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The word desert is a noun, a verb, and an adjective.

  1. Noun: a dry, arid region with little or no vegetation; a deserved reward or punishment (a just desert).
  2. Verb: to leave; to run away with no intention of returning (Don't desert your responsibilities.)
  3. Adjective: describes a noun as of or relating to a desert; desolate, barren or dull (a desert cactus, a desertoasis).
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12y ago
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10y ago

Lack of precipitation describes a desert. A desert receives less than 10 inches (250 mm) of precipitation on average per year.

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14y ago

Camel is a desert animal.

Camel is a large mammal found in desert countries.

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10y ago

The word desert itself is used as an adjunct (adjective) in many cases.

These include desert heat, desert sand, and desert caravans.

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13y ago

I can give you several sentences.

  • The desert sunrise was amazing.
  • I saw a desert flower blooming.
  • Desert animals usually come out at night.
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12y ago

Desert is a noun, it doesn't have an adjective.

But to desert has a few - deserted, as this is a deserted island,

or desertion - but this is a completly different thing.

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10y ago

The adjective desert means of or like the desert.


The desert sand crept into my boots.

Desert winds are hot and dry.

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14y ago

He deserted his friends.

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Q: Is there an adjective for desert?
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What is an adjective about the DESERT?


Is deserted an adjective?

The word "desert" can be an adjective OR a noun.

What part of speech is deserted?

Deserted can be a verb and an adjective. Verb: Past tense of the verb 'desert'. Adjective: Abandoned.

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The word 'abundant' is an adjective, a word used to describe a noun.The noun form of the adjective 'abundant' is abundance.Examples:There is abundant sand in the desert. (adjective)There is an abundance of sand in the desert. (noun)

Is desert a noun?

Yes, the word 'desert' 'desert' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a dry, barren area of land, a word for a place.The word 'desert' is also a verb and an adjective.

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The noun 'desert' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for a dry, barren area of land, a word for a place. The word 'desert' is also a verb and an adjective.

What is a sentence using desert as an adjective?

Yes, you can. In the contest of "to desert something" as in "to desert your military post".

How do you use desert in sentence as an adjective?

(As a modifier indicating the location or source, it could be classified as a noun adjunct) The desert landscape was greener than he had expected. It is sometimes difficult to study desert animals in the wild.

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Bilbies are desert-dwelling marsupials that eat both plants and insects. An adjective that starts with the letter B that describes a bilby would be "brown."

How do you use desert in a sentence as a noun?

The noun desert is a singular, common, concrete noun, a word for a place. A noun functions as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition. EXAMPLES subject: A desert lies between the cities of Los Angeles and Las Vegas. object: Before crossing the desert, they hired an experienced guide. The word desert is also a verb and an adjective.