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Remove the wneels then the drum retainer that holds the drum on while it is on the assy line. Then pull the drums off. If the shoes have worn into the drums you have to retract the shoes to let the drums come off. If they are sticking on the center, sometimes heat is required to get them loose.

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17y ago

Start with the longest line first (R-R) Open bleeder screw at top of the wheel cylinder Attach a clear plastic hose to it -run the other end into a container partially filled with brake fluid Have assistant push brake pedal down approx. 3/4 of the way and holdobserve container to see ifair bubbles are present - tighten bleeder screw and repeat until no air bubbles are present and then go to the next longest line (L-R, R-F, L-F)

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9y ago

You need to go to a car parts store, and get a repair manual for your car. They cost about $16.00 Or, go to a Public Library

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17y ago

Take off the tire, remove the 4-13mm nuts on the backside of the wheel, pull the drum (and spindle) off as an assembly.

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Q: How do you remove brake drums on Ford Focus?
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you pull it off, sometimes they are stubborn and you just have to hit them off with a hammer