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Q: How do you not get banned while still hacking Mario kart wii online?
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How do you not get banned while still hacking Mario kart for wii playing online?

You can get an error called 20102, and it happens because of cheating/hacking. So possibly yes, but I just found this information from the internet.

Should hacking be banned?

this is actually quite a silly question because hacking is illegal if you are asking this question because it still happens and yes i am aware of that there is nothing much you can do about it except ofcouse quit sharing oersonal info and passwords

What happens when your HorseIsle account is banned?

Im Not Sure I was banned for a Year and i still can`t get online! Maybe ask your friends......were you Banned at all? This isn`t a Frequenly asked Question

How do you get banned?

Here are some things you can be banned for. You can get banned for being profane - even words that SOUND like swears can ban you. You need to know that swearing in a room with no ''penguins'' in it can still ban you since CP auto bans you. Also, not only swears can ban you from Club Penguin. You can get banned from being racist, blocking doors or items, or just being plain rude. However, there's still one method of ban that prevails against the rest. It's hacking. Why is it worst than the rest? You get banned forever unlike the other ways to go. But I feel that I haven't done my work here if I don't say this: YOU'RE BETTER OF NOT BEING BANNED!

Is it possible to flash your xbox 360 but also still play on xbox live?

you can go online as long as you have the most up to date firmware but you could still get banned at any time i had a flashed xbox and lasted about a year before being banned. but you can still play the home brewed games offline after

Can you still play on live when your 360 is chipped?

You can but after just few games you probably get banned and you have to change IP and console to play online again

I can not log on pirates online?

either you got hacked or banned if you cant log back in then you still want to play you have to make new account

If you used an action replay to get to the island of a legendary Pokemon is the Pokemon still in the tournament way of legal even though its legendary and banned from tournaments you get what i mean?

Legit hacking (just hacking the event, not the Pokemon) is IMO the only reason someone should hack. However they are technically legal, as there should be no way to tell (unless that event hasn't happened yet).

Is the hacking of Pokemon shiny gold still in progress?

I do think so.

How old do penguins usually live?

it depends You can have your Club penguins account for as long as you want! You may lose you membership though, meaning you can't buy anything, but your still online. But you can't get banned! You can get banned for swearing, and being mean to others

Did banned books end?

There are still many banned books even today. Some banned books have become unbanned.

Will you still be a member if you got banned on club pegiun for 24 hours?

I have been banned for 7 days and im still a member