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Green + Blue + A hint of Grey = Grey Blue Paint :)

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Q: How do you make gray blue paint?
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Related questions

How do you make gray paint out of blue?

it is because grey paint is a cheap paint and it had lead particles in it!

How do you make blue gray?

Green + Blue + A hint of Grey = Grey Blue Paint :)

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How do you make white out of gray paint?

I think blue and grey mixed together makes white🌟

How do you make black paint with grey paint?

You mix a little of bit of dark blue and brown and you get black. If it looks gray-ish add some green, it should help.

What colors do you mix together for battleship grey?

black white and blue

Are blue and gray considered hazel?

Blue and gray together make a color that is considered hazel. Blue is considered blue not hazel. Gray is considered gray but sometimes is called hazel.

How do you make gray Vans white?

Paint them white.

What do yellow paint and blue paint make when mixed?

Yellow and blue paints when equally mixed and stirred make a green paint.

How do you make light blue?

well you can just buy light blue paint or you can get a dark blue paint and you can add white paint

Does blue paint an green paint make yellow?

Yes, it kinda gets the persian blue colour.

What do you mix to a gray to make violet?

Red and blue.