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get some rusto paint (or another brand of exterior paint) sum rubbing alcohol and paint thinner... fill a water botttle up halfway with paint, about two fifths rubbing alcohol and a litlle bit of paint thinner. add more thinner or alcohol for drips, but dont put too much because IT WILL FADE! you can add a litlle bit of acrylic paint to the mixture to change the color, but dont put too much, it's gonna make your ink thick, ur welcome -REZEK SSK

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get an empty glue stick, get some paint and paint thinner, mix the two in the glue stick depending on how drippy you want it!

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Q: How do you make graffiti supplies?
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Is graffiti legal?

No, graffiti is not legal in most states within the U.S. Fines and punishments for graffiti vary and many cities are cracking down on this crime.

Is there a paint that is Graffiti proof?

Anti graffiti coating is available in market which prohibits graffiti paint from bonding to wall surface. These are made up of charged polymeric materials.

Where is graffiti illegal?

Kai3345's Answer :Graffiti is illegal in many states and countries. It is also legal in many states and countries. Some states and countries make it legal and illegal to graffiti depending on it's use. But, in every public property in the United States of America, it is illegal to graffiti on School Property and Public property; unless that piece of public property was specifaclly for graffiti.Source : My basic knowledge.

What is the easy way to learn how to draw graffiti?

With lots and lots of practice you can learn to create graffiti art. Observe graffiti around your area, on buses, trains, construction sites, phone boxes, signs out the front of buildings, most street signs, work places, fences, graffiti is everywhere. You can take photos to learn other styles and practice them. Think of a word to graffiti and practice that particular word to make it have style.Remember if your going to do graffiti art do it somewhere that you are allowed to, do not deface other people's property.

Which country was responsible for starting to create graffiti?

i do believe that new york city is the best for graffiti as u may no that in down street Abby they have an old train station that they use for griffiting and also everywhere you go there is always graffiti, Broadway is also full of graffiti.

Related questions

How do you make the easiest graffiti supplies?

You don't.

Where can you buy graffiti supplies?

if your looking for graff supplies online check out or

How can one create graffiti supplies at home?

One can create graffiti supplies at home using a multitude of every day items such as spray paint, ink (which can be bought at craft shops), and markers.

Can you make a sentence with graffiti?

The Letter Has Graffiti Writing On It.

How do you do light graffiti on photobucket?

i don't think you can light graffiti on photobucket but there is some light graffiti apps and websites to make light graffiti.

Why graffiti as your concept?

Graffiti is an art, it's appreciated by many people. If you're a talented graffiti artist, I think you should make it your concept.

Where can one find a tutorial on how to make your own graffiti?

Templatelite is an online site that has 29 different tutorials on making graffiti by using Photoshop. Tutorial Lounge also uses Photoshop and displays 25 techniques on how to make graffiti.

How does graffiti operate?

Most commonly graffiti is somebody's nickname like "T-Kid", or the initials of a group that graffiti writers make up, like "UA" (United Artists).

What is stomp down?

The Stompdown is a Canadian graffiti crew who tags graffiti such as trains, buildings, or other places they can tag.They make graffiti videos and posts them on their main website, YouTube, and MySpace.They mainly do graffiti in Surrey, British Columbia.

Where can do graffiti online?

you can do graffiti on graffiti on graffiti playdo????????????????????????????????????

Why do people draw graffiti on trucks?

People Graffiti on trucks because they think it looks good and make them self look cool ( which it doesn't ) they may be board and its just something for them to do, or they may not be aloud to do graffiti at home so they go and find someone's truck to graffiti on. :)

Do you believe in graffiti?

Yes, graffiti is real. Usually, gangs do graffiti.