"Blobs In A Bottle" is the name of a simple science experiment that creates a lava lamp effect inside of a soda bottle. The instructions for the experiment can be found at: www.sciencebob.com. Click on "Experiments"
Soda makes smarties dissolve because the acid molecules gets to the sugar in the smarties, therefore, that much interaction and energy soon die down in the smarties and fade away (dissolve). It disolves because it is suger? I really do not know why! smaties are a soft compound and carbon in soda breaks the cels apart like acid. facts: soda makes the botom of your toungue sting but only for sec.
Answer: Bicarbonate soda.
yes. definetly soda stains an eggshell
Pop/soda and orange juice are both acidic, and will probably erode a penny.. It won't make one rust, though. Iron and iron-based metal (like steel) rust, but a penny is copper-coated zinc, and will corrode (oxidize) by turning green.
Carbon dioxide
Because of the preasure.
Yes. The "fizz" depends on how much the factory makes it with. Color does not effect fizz.
it doesent have as much carbon dioxide as other cokes that do fizz
CO2 (carbon dioxide gas)
conduct the experiment and find out
It is the amount of fizz in the soda that makes it taste different. :)
The fizz is put into soda by pumping carbon dioxide into it under pressure.
Coke, as you pour it, it makes a big mountain of fizz