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Whenever there off for a moment jump and get off to another one as fast as you can. Repeat

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Q: How do you avoid detection of spy satellites?
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What are the moral issues linked to using satellites to spy on other countries?

to spy on other countries e.g phoning to the other country the satellite of your phone goes up to one satellite ans to another and then reaches your destination.

How does satellites avoid collision?

The vast majority of satellites are in geo-stationary orbits. This means, they travel around the Earth at the same speed that the Earth rotates - making them appear in the same place. One example is the GPS satellite network. Other satellites that actually orbit around the Earth, are at a different altitude - so they would (thoretically) never collide with a stationary one. Those that are orbiting, are placed in such a way, that they also avoid each other.

What is the inclination of a satellite to the earths equator?

There is no set inclination of a satellites orbit to the earth's equator. Once in space, the spin of the earth or where it's poles happen to be become irrelevant to the satellite. Many satellites like spy and weather satellites orbit over the two poles (north and south) while communication satellites are placed in orbit directly above the equator at a height that is synchronised with the earth's orbit. This way they stay permanently above the same place on the equator and do not APPEAR to move at all.

What are the name of satellites of planet Mercury?

There are no known satellites of Mercury.

What are sun synchronous satellites?

A sun-synchronous orbit is one that places a satellite over a given location at the same mean solar time on successive orbits. This is accomplished by tuning the orbital altitude and inclination. The object is to have the same solar illumination angle at each approach, with the same orbital motion (ascending, descending). This is useful for surface observations, as with weather or spy satellites.