I would ever so strongly recommend getting the Sizzix Filmstrip die for that, but if you can't try using a large square punch and then a small square punch along the edges.
If you overexposed your film paper, it will come out dark. Most of the time it will come out black.
Wrap the film in aluminum-foil.
You use a 35mm enlarger to project the light on to the ''bed'' where you place your photographic paper. Then run the paper through developer, stop and fix. Make sure you put the paper in a cold water-bath for minimum of 5 minutes or until the smell of fix has gone. The fix will erode the image and it wont last as long..
Film is light sensitive so any exposure to the film will fog it. Most film comes either in a cassette, as in 35mm or roll-film which is protected by a paper leader and trailer. Professionals also use cut film which is hand loaded in the dark into film holders. Once a film is exposed in the camera it has what is called a latent image. It stays latent until processed. Once all the film is exposed it needs to be processed as soon as possible. Once the film is exposed its sensitivity makes it more susceptible to fogging and therefor must be protected from light. In the case of 35 mm and 120 roll film it shouldn't be much of a problem as the film is protected by the cassette or the backing paper. Once the film is taken out of its protection it has to be in total darkness. Colour film is sensitive to all colours and light. Monochrome film is what is called panchromatic. This means that although the film is mono it still records colours as grey tones so it must be handled in complete darkness. Black and white papers as used for monochrome prints are sensitive to only certain colours of the visible spectrum so can be viewed under dim yellow light. Blue light would fog the paper which is why in a black and white darkroom yellow filters are used for processing paper prints.
Make the exposure. Develop and fix the negative. Expose the printing paper. Develop, fix and dry the print.
Scrapbook - film - was created in 2000.
There are punches available for weaving thru paper or ribbon that look just like the holes on the side of a film.
The duration of Fake - film - is 1.82 hours.
Fake - film - was created on 2003-04-28.
The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".The film Cleopatra is the fake biography of Cleopatra. That's why its called "Cleopatra".
Fake ID - film - was created in 2003-03.
The duration of Fake ID - film - is 1.43 hours.
Technicolor was when strips of a black and white film where dyed whith a certain dye and that made the film a color film
Paper Lion - film - was created on 1968-10-23.
Paper Tiger - film - was created in 1975.
images that are captured and placed on to a film strips that contain video clips or picture clips and even audio.
The duration of The Paper Man - film - is 1.83 hours.