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Alabama became the twenty second state on December 1819.

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Q: How did Alabama state get started?
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What is the procedure for starting a church in the state of Alabama?

try asking a church in Alabama how they got started.....

What city was Mardi Gras started in?

For United State it was Mobile, Alabama.

In what state is Alabama state university in?

... Alabama 

What is the oldest African American college in the state of Alabama?

the oldest African American college in Alabama is Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama. It was started by Booker T. Washington and had inventor George Washington Carver as a professor. Alabama has more African American colleges than any other state.

Is auburn a state?

No, Auburn is a city in the state of Alabama.

Is Alabama acuity or state?

Alabama is a state, not a city.

Which state has Montgomery as its capital?

It is the Capital of the US State of Alabama and a former Capital of the Confederate States of America.

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What is the name of Alabama?

The name of the state of Alabama is Alabama. The capitol of this state is Montgomery and this state is located in the southeastern part of the U.S.

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What state would be condidered a southern state Ohio Colorado Alabama or Pennsylvania?

Alabama is a soouthern state.Only Alabama.