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Faerie paint brushes are worth about 3.4 million NPs so if you aren't rich and aren't lucky enough to pick one up off the floor or be zapped by Boochi then i wouldn't consider buying one ^_^ But if you do want one really badly and have the cash, then go to the trading post as there are many on offer there.

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Q: How can you get a faerie paint brush?
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Related questions

Where do you get a Faerie paint brush?

trades or auctions

Where can you buy Paint Brushes on Neopets?

the only time you can "find" and faerie paint brush is if you go into the shop wizard there you should type in faerie paint brush. I will guarentee that they are going to be 99,999 NP. you can also receive a faerie paint brush when a faerie randomly asks you to do a quest for them. Usually if you are extremly lucky you get one.

What is the name of the Chocolate Paint Brush on Neopets?

There isn't one. You can only obtain a Chocolate pet by the Lab Ray or the Fountain Faerie.

How to get a fire paint brush?

You can either buy it in the Marketplace, find it in the auctions, get it as a random event, or be given a quest by the fountain faerie and complete the quest.

When was the air paint brush made?

there is no air paint brush

Can you paint resin on with a brush?

Yes, you can paint resin on with a brush.

How can you get a ghost paint brush?

On neopets? Hah. Simple: 1.) You walk upon it by random. (Something has happened!) 2.) You buy it from the Hidden Faerie Store 3.) You beg someone for it Heh. Used to play that a lot.

What is the use of paint brush?

you paint with it

How do you make silver foil painting?

Get some paint brush, a paint and a silver foil first ... Second, dip the paint brush to paint and brush it to the foil ! and i think that's how you do it ! :) wew ..

What supplies should i use when you paint?

paint, a paint brush, paint brush bucket, and plastic paper for the floors so paint won't drip on it.

What are the Retired Paint Brushes in Neopets?

Faerie and Speckled are both retired but retired paint brushes are still usable.

How do you get a spirit paint brush on Neopets?

There is no spirit paint brush on neopets. You might be thinking of a different brush like the ghost paint brush. For the full list of paint brushes go here: