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Factories use static electricity to reduce pollution coming from their smokestacks. They give the smoke an electric charge. When it passes by an electrode of the opposite charge, most of the smoke particles cling to the electrode. This keeps the pollution from going out into the atmosphere. the static charge has negative and positive charges

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Q: How can static electricity be used to control air pollution?
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Uses of static electricity?

Practical Uses of Static ChargesThe ability of opposite charges in static electricity is what's used when designing applications for it.Dust removal: There are some appliances that can eliminate dust from the air, like air purifiers. They use static electricity to alter the charges in the dust particles so that they stick to a plate or filter of the purifier that has an opposite charge as that of the dust (opposite charges attract each other). This effect is also used in industrial smokestacks to reduce the pollution that they generate, altough they work in a very large scale, the effect is basically the same as the home air purifier.Photocopy: Copy machines use static to make ink get attracted to the areas where we need the information copied. It uses the charges to apply the ink only in the areas where the paper to be copied is darker (usually this means text or other information) and not where the paper is white, this process is called xerography.Car painting: To make sure a car's paint is uniform and that it will resist the high speeds and weather to protect the car's metal interior, it is applied with a static charge. The metal body of the car is submerged in a substance that charges it positively, and the paint is charged negatively with the paint sprayer. This process ensures a uniform layer of paint, since when there is enough negative paint in the car the extra will be repelled by the paint already in the car.It also ensures that the paint won't fall off, since the electrical attraction between the paint and the car is stronger than if it was just sprayed.All of these processes use electronic circuits to generate and control the static charges generated. If you are interested in electricity and electronics, check out my electronic circuits for beginners site, where you will find simple circuits to get you started, When you have learned enough you can build your own practical static electricity circuits for your own use!

How is electricity used in agriculture?

Often the very same way you would use electricity.

How is the sun's energy used as electricity?

As solar power.

What fossil fuel is used the most to generate electricity?

Oil is now used the most

What is it called when electricity is used to split up a chemical?


Related questions

In what way is static electricity useful?

Static electricity is used in industrial processes such as painting and printing to attract particles and enhance adhesion. It is also used in air filtration systems to collect dust and particles from the air. Additionally, static electricity is important in technology for storage and transfer of information in devices such as memory cards and hard drives.

Why can static electricity not to be used to run a television?

static electricity is static electricity

How can we put static electricity to good use?

Static electricity can be used in industrial processes such as painting, dust removal, and printing. It is also utilized in technologies like air purifiers, photocopiers, and laser printers. In addition, static electricity plays a role in scientific research, particularly in the field of electrodynamics.

How many ways can static electricity be of help?

The forces of attraction between charged particles caused by static electricity are used in:air pollution control,xerography,automobile painting,air filters (particularly electrostatic precipitators),photocopiers,paint sprayers,theaters,flooring in operating theaters,powder testing,printers,static bonding, andaircraft refueling

How is static electricity used in dust removal and photo copying?

Static electricity is used in dust removal by charging a surface with static electricity, which attracts and captures dust particles by electrostatic forces. In photocopying, static electricity is used to transfer toner particles onto a charged surface and then fuse them to create a copy of the original document.

Does static electricity need tin cans?

Static electricity does not require tin cans specifically. Tin cans can be used in certain experiments to demonstrate the principles of static electricity, but they are not a necessity for static electricity to occur. Static electricity can be generated through friction between two materials, such as rubbing a balloon on your hair.

What is the term used to describe the build up of electrical charges on an object due to friction?

The term used to describe the build up of electrical charges on an object due to friction is "static electricity."

Can you use static electricity to light a light bulb?

No, static electricity is not typically strong enough to light a light bulb. To light a light bulb, you generally need a continuous flow of electricity, which is not provided by static electricity. Static electricity is more commonly used in applications like static shocks or attracting small objects.

Why is static electricity not widly used by people?

Will it is stationary

What are grounding mats used for?

Grounding mats are used when working on electronic components to drain off static electricity. Static electricity develops high voltages (the spark that jumps from your hand to a doorknob in winter is static electricity) and these voltages can damage sensitive electronics.

What are the devices that are static electricity?

If you mean the name of the machine used to create static electricity - it's called a 'van de graaff' generator.

Why isn't static electricity used to power to appliance?

electricity is something that causes shocks