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Provide most of the organic matter that gets broken down to form humus.

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Q: How are plants and humus related?
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How are Organic Nutrients and Humus related?

Humus is decayedvegetable matterthat may or may not contain nutrients. Nutrients are the soil borne food on which the plants live

Is humus a mixture of humus and clay?

No, Humus is made from dead organic plants and animals.

What is rich in humus and minerals for growing plants?

Both humus and minerals contain nitrogen for growth of plants. Alluvial soils are rich in humus and minerals making them good for growth of plants.

What does topsoil have in it?

plants and humus

What do you call the part of soil that is recycled dead plants and animals?


What is organic material turned into humus?

Animal feces and dead plants that are decayed can become humus.

Why does soil horizon A have the most Humus?

The Fertile soil contains lots of microorganisms which decompose the complex dead bodies of animals and plants into simpler substance called Humus.

What is returned to the soil and used by the plants?


What is in soil that makes plants grow?


How are nutrients and nutrients related?

Humus is decayedvegetable matterthat may or may not contain nutrients. Nutrients are the soil borne food on which the plants live

How does a soil become rich with humus?

it kills plants:(

What is the dark colored organic matter found in soil and used by plants?

The dark colored organic matter found in soil is called humus. Humus is rich in nutrients and helps improve soil structure and fertility. Plants rely on humus to obtain essential nutrients for growth and development.