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Replacing the heater core on this vehicle is fairly straightforward and simple. It's surprisingly accessible.

First, drain the engine coolant (from the radiator).

Then, on the passenger side, remove the panel on the left side of the floorboard. It's velcroed in there. There are no screws to remove, etc.

Once that piece is removed, the heater core lines coming in from the firewall are clearly visible going into the heater core. There is one plastic bracket with a single screw holding it in. Remove the screw and the plastic bracket.

Next, if you follow the lines from the firewall to the heater core, you'll see two black plastic pieces where the lines connect to the heater core itself. I used a screwdriver to flip the pieces open. Be careful not to break them. Once they're off, the heater core lines simply pull out of the heater core. Be careful to have a bucket of some sort under the lines, because you will loose coolant into the footwell if you don't.

After the heater core lines are pulled out, you can simply slide the heater core itself out.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

i am in the middle of one now and i have to remove the seats, console, rug, lower dash, heater box this is a f-ing nightmare im on hour 3 and i still don't have the heater box out yet so good luck later

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βˆ™ 13y ago

You most likely have to pull the dash board on that side part way out. I did the heater core on a 95 F150 and it's probably the same. It's easy to do, just takes a little time. You don't have to pull the whole dash out, just part way off to get the room to pull it out. I would just take the time to remove the things around it, then take the core out. Just a little time consuming. I didn't even really say too many 'bad words' when I did it...

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