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Some spanish words that start with d is...

  • Dolor (pain)
  • Dedo (finger)
  • Digo (i say)
  • Dado (dice)
  • Disco (disc)
  • Dar (to give)
  • Debajo (below)
  • Debil (weak)
  • Delgado (thin)
  • Demasiado (too much)
  • Dentista (dentist)
  • Derecha (right)
  • Desayuno (breakfast)
  • Desfile (parade)
  • Desperdiciar (to waste)
  • Despues (after)
  • Despertar (to wake)
  • Destapar (to uncork)
  • Dia (day, daytime)
  • Diamante (diamond)
  • Diferente (different)
  • Disputa (disagreement)
  • Doce (twelve)
  • Doblar (to bend)
  • Doble (double)
  • Dos (two)
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15y ago
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12y ago

What are some healthy foods that start with the letter D? Daikon radish



Dill pickle

Dolichos bean

Dragon fruit




date palm - date before it's dried


dwarf bananas - small banana

dwarf cherry - small cherry

dwarf apple - small apple

dwarf orange - small orange

dwarf giant peach - bit contradictive, don't you think?

dewberries - black raspberry

D'Orange (french)

Dpotato (Mississippi)

D'tangelo (Italian)

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16y ago

Damasco ( that is very similar to the peach)

Durazno ( that in English will be : peach)

Dulces ( candies)

Donas ( donuts)

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11y ago

higo (green fig)

helado (ice cream)

habas (broad beans)

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16y ago

dates,doughnut,danish pastry,

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Q: Healthy foods that starts with a D?
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What foods start with d that are healthy?

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What healthy foods start with the letter d?

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Which fruit's name that starts with 'D'?

Dates are a fruit. They are a healthy snack.

What is a grocery store that starts with a d?

Dahl's Foods - Des Moines, Iowa

What are some healthy foods that start with the letter d?

Here is a list of a few healthy foods that start with the letter D: Dairy products (e.g. milk, cheese, yogurt) Dark chocolate Dates Deviled eggs Dill pickles Dried fruit Duck

Are there any healthy foods that start with a D?

Daikon radish, dandelion greens, deli meats (sometimes).

What is Dean Foods's motto?

The motto of Dean Foods is 'Healthy Foods, Healthy Families.'.

What makes fast foods healthy?

Actually, its not healthy. Fried foods aren't healthy. Period.

Is it healthy to eat junk foods?

no it is not healthy to eat junk foods

How did Type One Diabetes begin?

It usually starts when you have too much protein and sugar and not enough of the healthy foods. You are not balanced, therefor you have diabetes.

Is easy surgery foods on a diet healthy?

Easy, sugary foods are never healthy but they are especially not healthy when you are on a diet.

Why are healthy foods important?

healthy foods are important because tthey give you energy