famous democratic leaders would be President Obama, Prime minister Winston Churchill, England's Ex football captain John Terry
Edmund Barton spent 20 years in state politics before taking on the Role of Australia's first Prime minister. He was Australia's first Prime Minister from 1 / Jan /1901 to 24 / Sept / 1903.
Indonesia has not had a Prime Minister since 1959. The first Prime Minister was Sutan Sjahrir (14 November 1945 - 20 June 1947) and the last one was Raden Djuanda Kartawidjaja (9 April 1957-9 July 1959). Now, Indonesias politics is presidential representative democratic republic with the President of Indonesia holding both the status as Head of State and Head of Government.Indonesia does not have a Prime Minister. The current President of Indonesia is Susilo Bamban Yudhoyono.
Kostas Karamanlis (Κώστας Καραμανλής) is the prime minister of Greece today. The leader of Greece is her Prime Minister: Constantine Caramanlis.
Harold Holt belongs to the liberal party of Australia. He vanished on December 17, 1967 when swimming along the Cheviot Beach. He was proclaimed dead by drowning, after only serving 22 months as a Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, leads the Conservative Party. He was nominated as leader of the Conservative Party in 2002.
No a prime minister is not a dictator. The Prime Minister is simply the leader of the political party which is in government (which is democratically elected).
Jan Peter Balkenende. He was Prime Minister from 2002 until 2010 for the Christian-Democratic Party (CDA).
Norovyn Altankhuyag is the Prime Minister of Mongolia in 2013.Altankhuyag became the Prime Minister of Mongolia on 2012 August 10 as leader of the Democratic Party.
Algirdas Butkevičius is the Prime Minister of Lithuania.Algirdas Butkevičius became the 12th Prime Minister of Lithuania as the leader of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania on 2012 December 13.
Hatoyama Yukio and the Democratic Party of Japan.
Yes. Sir John Abbott was the Third Canadian Prime Minister.
He is a former Canadian Prime Minister. He was only Prime Minister in 1984 but he worked with his Liberal Party against free trade.
Freundel Jerome Stuart was the Prime Minister of Barbados in 2012. Stuart became the 7th Prime Minister of Barbados on 2010 October 23 after Prime Minister David Thompson died from cancer. He is part of the (Democratic Labour Party).
Andrew Bonar Law (16 September 1858 - 30 October 1923) was a Canadian-born British Conservative Party statesman and Prime Minister. Currently he is the only British Prime Minister to have been born outside the United Kingdom.
The Democratic party is in power right now in the Parliament. Our Prime minister is Sali Berisha.