Nadia, Nina
Natalie, Nina, Nelly, Nigela...
Natalie,Nohemi,Nydia,Nancy???Nora, Natalie, Nancy, Nellie
Norway starts with n. New Zealand also starts with N.
Nadia, Nina
Some girls names that start with N are... Nicole, Nicki, Nancy, Nalla, Nicolette, Nanette, Noel, Nell, Nellie, Nina, Nan, Nanna, Naomi, Narcissa, Natalie, Natalia, Natasha, Nassa, and Nessie.
Girls names that start with the letter V are:Valda.Valentina.ValerieValeska.Vanessa.VannaVannsa,Vashti.Vedette.VelaVelainyaVelanieVentura.Venus.VeraVerna.VeronicaVicki/Vicky/VickieVictoriaVida.VidiaViennaViola.VioletViraVirginiaVita.Viveca.Vivian/VivienVivienneVivvian
the boy starts with v. the girls starts with j.
Nick Jonas
Some girls names that begin with d are Diane and Diana.
Nathalie, Naraya.
There can be many different girl's names starting with the letter N. A few i know are: Nadia Nadine Natalie Natasha Naomi Nala Nancy Nelly Nicki Nicky Nicola Nicole Nicolette Nikita Nina There are also many foreign names beginning with 'N'
Some girl names are:CindyCherylCynthiaCathyCharlotteCateCamilleCassyCatherineCatieCayleeCantonCaitlynChristineChristinaChristinCristiCarlyCarlaCassandraCicelyCrystalCarolCarrynCarrieChloeCarolineCamerynCatalina