I can think of one: NOON. It is spelled the same way forwards and backwards. If it is capital, it is also spelled the same way upside down.
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mama, papa, gaga, lama, fava, java, lava, saga, cede, dele, fete, gene, here, mere, mete, were, mini, midi, bolo, coho, dojo, go-go, logo, mono, no-no, pogo, so-so, to-do, yo-yo, lulu, agog, shah, anon, stat, stet, data, dodo, tutu, zuzu, ta-ta, bozo, loco, coco, titi, wa-wa, lede, boyo, hobo, juju, gala, wiki, tiki, cere, meme, mojo, casa, cava, kudu, dene, nene
There can be words beginning with different letters without ruining the alliteration, but the more words that do start with the same letter, the stronger the alliteration.
bawlbowelbowlingbowmanbowbowlcowcowlcowbellcoworkercowboycowgirlcowlickcowhidecowpokecowardicecowherdcowmancowerdowsedewlapdewlapdownhilldownbeatdowncastdowntowndownpourdownrightdownloaddownstairsdownstreamdownstagedowndraftdowngradedownwarddowrydownwinddownydoweldewdewdropdowndawnfowlfawnfewfewergownhowhowlhoweverinwardjewelryjowljewelslowlowermowmowernownewnewtnowtnewernewsnewsprintnewspapernewsletternewelnewsynewscast, newscasternewsmannewsreelnewsstandnowadaysnowherenowaynewsworthynewspapermanonwardpowpawnpeweepowerboatpowderypowerfulpowerlesspowerhousepowwowpewpawpowerpowderpewterrowerrowdyrewindreworkroweledrewordrewardrowboatrowelrowlockrowingrewashsewertowertowingtoweltowntawnytowunwedunwoundunwindunwantedunwittinglyunwelcomeunworthyunwontedunwashedvowelvowyawn
Noon? hahaareabulbdeaddeeddiedhashhushlullnounpumppeeprearroarsitstarttenttinttoot
One example of a four-letter word where the second and last letters are the same is "ball." In this word, the second letter 'a' is the same as the last letter 'l.' Another example is "hall," where the second letter 'a' is also the same as the last letter 'l.' These are known as palindromic words, where the word reads the same forwards and backwards.
Kiss miss
The word is "queue."
EE wordsfleegleeLL wordsballbellbillcallcelldilldolldullfallfellfillfullgillgullhallhillhullmallmillmulltelltalltillwallwellwillyellNN wordsbannSS wordsbassbossfusslasslesslossmassmessmissmossmussTT wordsbattbuttmittmuttwatt
There are no words in the english language that meet this rule, sorry. Although, I believe you phrased the question incorrectly. Perhaps you meant to ask this:What five letter word sounds the same way if you removed the last four letters.The answer is the word QUEUE, because it's pronounced "Q." So, naturally, if you remove the last four letters, you are left with the letter Q.
the arrangements occur. if there are two of the same letter then 12 all different letters then 24 three letters the same then 5 four letters the same then 1
4 letter words, letters 2 and 3 are the same:allybeetbeenbeefbeepbeerbeesboomboonbootcookcoolcoopdeepdeeddeerdoomdoorfeedfeelfeesfeetfoodfoolfootgoodheelhoodhoofhoophootjeepkeepleerloomloonlooplootmeetmoodmoonseedeggsElla
The word is queue, pronounced "Q."The same would apply to the letter name "aitch," if you remove the first four letters.
The word queue is pronounced like the letter "q" in English language. Removing the last four letters of the word leaves that "q" behind. Queue is the same as "q" is.