No,you do not.
I believe that you prime than paint than seal. It depends on the paint you are using and what you are painting A lot of the exterior paints used today don't require any undercoat. However if you are painting over a previously painted surface you must keep preparation in mind.
You can paint over latex paint with either an oil or water based enamel paint as long as the surface is dull, clean and rust free. Any bare metal will need to be primed with a primer, either oil based or 100% acrylic Direct-to-metal, prior to top-coating.
Before any interior painting
Painting isn't going to cover them, it is just going to give them color. You need to mud and sand them smooth, then prime before you paint.
No,you do not.
I believe that you prime than paint than seal. It depends on the paint you are using and what you are painting A lot of the exterior paints used today don't require any undercoat. However if you are painting over a previously painted surface you must keep preparation in mind.
You can use acrylic paint on plastic provided you prepare the surface first. Before you begin painting you will have to prime it with paint that is suitable for plastic, such as an enamel paint. Once you have finished painting with the acrylic paint, the project will need a top coat.
yes because if not it it will rote
This brings up lots of questions, do you own your property and the land with the fence? Does the neighbor own their property, land and FENCE? This is important because this will help determine who has maintance of the property. If you own your property, you need to check your map and deed for reference to the fence. Once something is established, such as your neighbor controlling the maintance of the fence, it is harder to change it later. You need to get some info. regarding who has property rites to the fence. If it is the neighbors alone and your land doesn't abutt or even come close to the fence, then it would be up to you to talk with your neighbors. You might need to show them the maps etc. and explain that the fence is not your responsiblity. But if the fence is on your land only, which would show on your maps then you have a different problem, your neighbors feel that it is at least partially theirs to maintane and control. Then you would need to straighten that out. Last, if your maps and deed shows that the fence is on the property line, you will need to decide how you want to handle this issue. The way you said "MY neighbors" makes it sound like you feel like it is their fence, get the info together and then talk with them. It would be best if you can make some settlement. Proper or not, you need to move forward and the best way to do that is knowledge. It doesn't sound like etiquette is the major problem, knowledge will solve alot or your problems. Then just use that information with courtesy, and respect. Once you have the information you need and can show you neighbors, solving the one sided painting, can start with a joint meeting, hopefully done as a small get to together, to look at your data, and talk over everyone's options. Keep things casual and friendly, have an open mind. There are many solutions to the painting issue, but you didn't ask about that, so I'm not addressing any of those.
You need 1962.5 fence posts.
figure it out
form_title=Fence Builder form_header=Protect your pets and family with a fence around your home. Install a fence that adheres to the look and feel of your home. Would you prefer a wood or metal fence?= () Wood () Metal () Unsure Will the fence be required to keep small animals in? = () Yes () No () Unsure What is the perimeter of the fence you need? =_ Do you need a deer proof fence? = () Yes () No () Unsure
yes ,becaus you need to know how much fence you need
I need a fence built around my garden to keep the animals out. What credentials or legal work do I need to know when hiring fence contractors?
Yes, depending on how deep the pool is and how tall it is. Call your city before purchasing a pool. We bought our kids a 3.5 foot pool to find out we weren't aloud to have one without a fence.