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No, but if you download the app night camera, it takes good light images, even in the dark.

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15y ago

As far as I know, the DSI does NOT have a camera flash but it does have 11 fun camera lenses you can play with:-)

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11y ago

Of course! It wasn't the best camera, but it was a nifty 2 megapixels.

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You Can Not Record With The Dsi Camera

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You can't download a Flash Player to the DSi.

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I think the dsi is better because you get the internet easier, the dsi already has the camera, it has where you can record your voice, and on the camera, you can take funny pictures. I dont have a dsi but my friends voted the dsi is better.

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How do you use the video camera on the Nintendo DSi XL?

If you're talking about the Nintendo DSi camera if it can record videos, then it can not record videos, only take pictures. And you can't watch videos on the Nintendo DSi like youtube videos because it doesn't have a flash player, and you can't download one on it.

Can you get YouTube on a DSI?

No, There is no Flash Player on the DSi, It dose work on the Wii

Can you go on Habbo with a dsi?

No, Habbo Hotel in run using Flash, The DSI does not have the latest version of Flash and cannot download it.

What is the best Nintendo DS?

The best is DSI, it has a camera, and stuff, Get a dsi

Can a DSi take photos?

Yes, the DSi can take pictures since it has one outer camera and one inner camera.

Can the Nintendo DS lite take pictures?

No, as it lacks a camera. The DSi, DSi XL and 3DS do have a camera and can take pictures.