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No. Caffeine and epinephrine are both stimulants. Caffeine stimulates the Central Nervous System (CNS) while epinephrine (also called adrenaline) stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. These both increase heart rate.

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14y ago

Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline, so it should in fact increase heart rate.

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15y ago

epi increases heart rate

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Q: Does epinephrine lower heart rate
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What happens when epinephrine is used?

Epinephrine, if take orally, can raise your heart rate to dangerous levels. And it is not effective at handling allergic reactions.

Is epinephrine a sedative?

Epinephrine is pure adrenaline. It won't put you to sleep when administered, but instead give your body a burst of energy and pump your heart rate up.

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What causes heart rate to increase during a fight or flight response?

During a fight or flight response, the release of stress hormones like adrenaline (epinephrine) triggers an increase in heart rate. This physiological response is designed to prepare the body for immediate action by supplying more oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and brain.

How does epinephrine make you feel when administered?

Epinephrine can make you feel alert, increase your heart rate, and raise your blood pressure. It can also cause sweating, nausea, and trembling.

How soon after delivery of epinephrine should you recheck the babys heart rate?

1 minute