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There is no reason you should have to. If the tie rod was knocked out of the spindle it goes back in the same place. Nothing else has any effect on the alignment.

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Q: Does a car with front wheel drive need front end alignment?
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When do you need front alignment vs 4 wheel alignment?

if you have independent suspention front and rear chances are a 4 wheel alignment can be done typically front wheel drive vehicles but not all.

Do you need a wheel alignment when getting new tires on an all wheel drive vehicle?

No. If there had previously not been any alignment issues, and as long as the new tires are properly balanced, you will not need an alignment.

Do you need a wheel alignment when struts are replaced?

NO That depends on how the struts attach to the knuckle or control arm. On some front wheel drives an alignment is required.

Does a all wheel drive vehicle need front and rear alignment?

there is adjustment both front and rear some require aftermarket control arm or camber,caster shim kits

What does it mean when steering wheel is not center?

U need a front wheet alignment

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u probabily need an alignment u probabily need an alignment

When your vehicle front wheel spread out what wrong?

Sounds like your tie rod ends have come undone. They will need to be reconnected and the car alignment done before you can drive it.

How much does a wheel alignment cost for a SUV?

It should cost $40-65 for a front end alignment and 80-100 for a 4-wheel . If you have a newer vehicle with Independent front suspension you will need a 4-wheel, however you you like me and own a older SUV with live axles you only need a front end.

Does an all wheel car need the wheel alignment?

I just took my all wheel drive Subaru to Town Faire Tire today. Before the service man knew my car was an all wheel drive, he explained about alignments and said that all wheel drive cars often need alignment more frequently. At 12,000 the print out figures showed that my car needed one.

94 Eagle Vision Tsi Shakes while driving?

you will need a front wheel alignment

I have a 2002 Silverado and need a front wheel alignment do you have to buy a camber kit?

no you dont need a camber kit

Does an S10 need a lube job?

Yes drive shaft, front end searing and front ball joints (if rear wheel drive) front end ball joints for front wheel drive