A navel piercing will cause scarring no matter what. Whether you got pregnant or not.
A belly button piercing,or naval piercing,is basically a piercing on the belly button. It can take about 4 to 6 months to heal after getting pierced. The legal age to get one depends on what state you live in. Most naval piercings are done in tattoo parlors or places that specialize in body piercings.
A small scar where the ring was, hard from the scar tissue.
Technically, you could. There is a difference in gauge size though. An eyebrow piercing is a 16 while a belly ring is a 14. It would hurt to move up in size and would probably look unattractive because belly rings have much bigger jewels/ends.
Anything that has to deal with pleasure. Genital area, chest and mouth. That's most guys. Others like belly button piercings, hip piercings, nose rings, ( studs ) and lips. Depends on the body tone and face though. Some people look right with a certain piercing, others do not.
Hi I have my ears, tragus and belly pierced too! Next i was thinkin about getting my tongue and hips done if that helps you at all . . .
There are two types: the top of the belly button or bottom of the belly button.
It really depends on where your getting the ear piercing. Tragus, industrial or uncommon ear piercings hurt more then the belly button. If were talking normal lobe piercings, belly hurts more :)
yeah AJ and her sister Ali both have belly button piercings
on 'The Sims 2' you can not have body piercings, you can have facial piercings but not body piercings
No they don't.
Depends on which you get. Your best bet is to google pics of belly button piercings.
Never heard of such a thing. I know plenty of people that have belly button piercings and have kids...
the feeling is mutual .
no, based on my experience
Yes, she has belly button piercing.
In my experience, my belly button did not feel different during early pregnancy.
well a shot is worse then a belly button piercings because a shot can hurt you so bad you will have to go to the hospertal but a belly button piercings will just sting