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Yes, he did. He was part of the Republican Party nomination. But he wasn't elected in the end.

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Q: Did Gen Douglas MacArthur ever run for President?
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Douglas MacArthur is buried in downtown Norfolk, Virginia.

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Douglas MacArthur. Gen Douglas MacArthur wanted to use the atom bomb in the war, and he did not like to take orders from President Truman, so President Truman dismissed him.

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Gen. Douglas MacArthur Gen. Douglas MacArthur

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Regarding discussions with GEN Douglas MacArthur: "The wrong war with the wrong people in the wrong place."

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WWII & US GEN Douglas MacArthur.

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Where did Douglas MacArthur live?

Douglas Macarthur lived in Norfolk, Virginia for most of his life

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a. Chester Nimitz b. William Manchester c. Douglas MacArthur d. J. Robert Oppenheimer

Who was the original commander over the united nations forces in the Korean war?

General Douglas MacArthur <-- I got this answer when I was doing homework.