Excess nitrogen from agriculture means using the inorganic feritilizers. These fertilizers deposit the nitrogen into the soil and overtime the soil decomposes the nitrogen, converting it into gaseous nitrogen which is then returned to the air. This eventually creates a big acid cloud which will give birth to acid rain. Acid rain will fall in the waters containing fish and then kill them.
No, the word fish is a noun and a verb. The noun fish is often used to describe another noun, for example fish scales or fish fry, but it remains a noun, 'fish scale' or 'fish fry' can be considered compound nouns.
Piscine is a word meaning related to fish. Fishy is another adjective related to the word fish. Adjectives used to describe fish include tropical, freshwater, and mild.
Jump, a painting by Janet Fish, is a celebration of light and color. Just like Fish' other art works, Jump is full of vibrant colors and brightness.
There hasn't been any information on what is the shortest fish, all I know is that the skinniest fish is the Trumpet Fish. But I have no idea what is the shortest fish.
jummy fish. jelly fish. just fish. Jack Dempsey Fish Javanese Ricefish
Excess nitrogen from agriculture can lead to eutrophication in bodies of water. This excess nitrogen causes an overgrowth of algae, which reduces oxygen levels in the water when it dies and decomposes. This low oxygen level can suffocate fish and other aquatic organisms, leading to fish kills.
excess nitrogen from runoff would cause excess algae and plant growth, possibly affecting fish populations by decreasing the livable area of the water for fish. the excess algae bloom will deplete oxygen in the water causeing dead zones where there is not enough oxygen for fish to survive.
Respiration. Also, if the fish die, they slowly return the nitrogen to the air.
i do not think hunting for fish is part of agriculture, but fish farming which involves the conscious effort to raise the fish to be harvested at a later stage is rather part of agriclture
It can kill them if you don't have a cleaner fish.
some of Norway's agriculture is barley,wheat,potatoes,veal,milk,and fish.
Excess nitrogen in water bodies can lead to eutrophication, causing algal blooms. These blooms can deplete oxygen levels as they decompose, harming aquatic life. Additionally, the presence of harmful algal species can produce toxins that impact water quality and pose risks to human health.
Pumpkins, fish, and potatoes.
Excess nitrogen in water can lead to eutrophication, a process where excessive nutrient levels stimulate the growth of algae and aquatic plants, which deplete oxygen levels when they decompose. This oxygen depletion can harm aquatic life, leading to fish kills and disrupting the balance of the ecosystem. Additionally, nitrogen in the form of nitrate can contaminate drinking water sources and pose health risks, especially for infants and pregnant women.
either fish, dairy, or hogs
Fish excrete excess salt through their gills and kidneys. Special cells in the gills actively pump out salt, while the kidneys filter out excess salt from the blood and excrete it as concentrated urine. This is essential for fish living in saltwater environments to maintain their internal salt balance.
Big fish Big fish