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The Democratic Party has no one view on the death penalty. There are many Democrats who are against it and many who are pro death penalty. Democrats tend to have a wider range of views within their own party, while Republicans are more unified in their beliefs, however wrong those tend to be.

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Q: Democratic view on the death penalty?
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Democratic Party platform on death penalty?

The democratic party is now against the death penalty.

What is death penalty libeal and conservative view?

It depends on the candidate. There is no set liberal or conservative view on the death penalty. There are many liberals who support the death penalty and those who are against it. There are many conservatives who support the death penalty and there are those who oppose it.

What is the democratic veiwpont on the death penalty?

Republican Party and conservatives favor the death penalty more than the Democrats and liberals.

Is death penalty good?

NO!Another VIew: YES!

What types of governments did new England have?

New England had a democratic government. The Puritans made the laws and many were harsh and had death as the penalty.

Republican view on death penalty?

They are against it. Most republicans are Christians and Christians are against any death that is on purpose. [EDIT] Actually Republicans are for the death penalty believing that it is a proper punishment and that the death penalty should be added to drug "Kingpins".

Do Democrats oppose the death penalty?

yes they oppose itAnother View: I believe the Democrat Party, as a political entity, opposes the death penalty. I am certain not everyone who claims to be a Democrat supports that view.

What is America's view of the death penalty?

That cannot be known since everyone has their own sight of this concept.

How would each perspective on criminal justice view the use of the death penalty as a sanction for first-degree murder?

As first-degree murder is planned beforehand, then the use of death penalty may be appropriate, but this is my opinion.

Is Texas for or against the death penalty?

For. If most of the citizens in Texas did not want the death penalty, there would be no death penalty.

What is the death penalty for Romania?

Now, no death penalty in Romania.

Does Nebraska have the death penalty?

No,the state of Nebraska does not have the death penalty.