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That close to home it's overkill even if you have a CCW

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Q: Conceal a pistol around apartment complex?
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Where can you conceal your pistol when im in Wisconsin?

Wisconsin doesn't allow concealed carry, so legally you can't conceal one anywhere.

Can you conceal a bb pistol?

Depends what country and city you are living in, question needs to be more specific

Is it illegal to conceal a black powdre pistol in nc?

Your local police are the best source of correct information.

What is the best semiautomatic pistol that is compact and is easy to conceal?

A Colt Lightweight Officer's Model in .45ACP caliber. It is small and light and carries seven rounds.

How does the fact that John Wilkes Booth choose to use a Derringer contribute to your knowledge of his personality?

The Derringer pistol was small, easy to conceal, and only effective at extremely close range.

What is the value of j Stevens 22cal nickel finish tip-up pistol?

The value of a J Stevens 22 cal nickel finish tip-up pistol is between $200 and $500 depending on its condition. These guns are easy to conceal but provide little firepower.

What does pistol packing mean?

it means to carry a pistol or sometype of gun around

What does pistol-packing mean?

it means to carry a pistol or sometype of gun around

Are large rifle primers compatible in 45 automatic colt pistol cases?

Yes, they are. Small Rifle can be used for Small Pistol, but not the other way around. Large Rifle can be used for Large Pistol, but not the other way around.

What type of gun should you buy?

Well......... There are many gun to choose. If you chose a pistol you can conceal it better. But, you have little ammo, big recoil, and noise. if you choose a shotgun, you have little conceal, noise, pump and even more recoil. But, you have a wide range. if you get an assuat rifle you have no conceal. you have al of of continuous fire and damage though. if you have a sniper, everyone will notice, single fire. but any one that you choose, if some one robs you, they will find it and spicifically aim for i headshot. at least that's what i would do.

What is the average FPS for an Air Pistol?

around 500fps sometimes more

What is the price for a Taurus PT99 model AF9 pistol?

Around $330