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There's a whole bunch a codes go on YouTube and type in kingdom hearts 2 codes and you will find a ton the one i like is the anti form sora, get infinity life, and 10 drive gauge those are cool I hope this helped

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15y ago

there is none......end of story

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Q: Codes for Kingdom Hearts 1
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yes there is cheat codes in kingdom hearts go to cheat codes

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No. There are no codes for Kingdom Hearts 2.

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There are no Gameshark codes for Kingdom Hearts 2.

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No. There are no cheat codes in Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories or RE: Chain of Memories.

Where is the cheat code menu for Kingdom Hearts?

There are no cheat codes for Kingdom Hearts I, Chain of Memories or II.

How do you get infinite health in Kingdom Hearts 1?

Buy ActionReplay or GameShark and find some codes.

What is the cheat code for earning money in Kingdom Hearts 2?

There are no cheat codes for money in the Kingdom Hearts series.