The flight time from Singapore to Jakarta, Indonesia is about 1 hour, 7 minutes.
If a direct flight from Jakarta to Doha, figure about 8-9 hours. Many flights will go via a regional hub like Singapore's Changai airport, so figure another 2 hours even if you have a good connection time.
Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia.
The Jakarta Post was created in 1983.
The flight distance from Singapore to Jakarta, Indonesia is 559 miles / 899 km
1 hour. Singapore time GMT+8 meanwhile Jakarta time GMT+7
1.5 hours
The flight time from Singapore to Jakarta, Indonesia is about 1 hour, 7 minutes.
You can find cheap rail fares or train fares online at websites such as MyTrainTicket, Rail Europe, and TransportDirect. Amtrak and South West Trains also offer discounts on fares at their websites.
1.5 hours flight
786 miles
785 miles
The flight time from Singapore to Jakarta, Indonesia is about 1 hour, 7 minutes.
Tokyo, Jakarta, Singapore
556 miles (894 km).