cause-he promoted peace,freedom,and equality
effec-white ad afican americn people got alng,both had eqaulrights
Martin Luther is the creator of Lutheranism. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr. was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Nobody's name was changed.
no Martin Luther king was not a doctor
martin Luther kings day is to honor the death of martin Luther king jr.
No, Martin Luther King Jr., was a Republican..
Luther! read it! Martin Luther king!
How did the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr effect peoples political beliefs
The father of Martin Luther King, Jr. was Martin Luther King, Sr.
martin Luther king dad name was Damien
Martin Luther King Jr was not named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther.
Martin Luther King
Martin Luther began the Protestant Reformation against the Catholic Church. Martin Luther King led the Civil Rights Movement. Which do you mean?
He stopped segregation
Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi
Martin Luther King Sr. was the father of Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Sr. was the father of Martin Luther King Jr.
He Was Shot