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Yes, you can. I have done that on occasion with good results.

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Q: Can you use Red oxide Primer on cement?
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Can lacquer thinner be used with red oxide primmer?

Well, honey, technically you can use lacquer thinner with red oxide primer, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you want a hot mess on your hands. Lacquer thinner is pretty strong stuff and might not play nice with the primer, so proceed with caution and maybe do a test patch first. Just remember, I warned ya!

How do you make zinc oxide cement for dental use?

To make zinc oxide cement for dental use, mix zinc oxide powder with a liquid such as eugenol to form a thick paste. The mixture should be smooth and free of lumps before being applied to the tooth surface. Allow the cement to set and harden before any further dental work is done.

If you used a cpcv cement to glue pipe without primer will the pipe leak or become apart?

Probably not. If you don't use primer, you can scuff the PVC with sandpaper. The primer gets rid of the surface sheen on the PVC and softens the surface just a little bit. A light sanding will do about as much.

Is there a clear PVC glue available that does not require the use of PVC primer?

There is cement on the market that claims this. It's called PVCGIT Clear PVC cement. -I'm a little sceptical and would like to find some and try it.

Can you use a latex primer under tinners red?

All the information I read on Tinners paint refers to it as 'anti-rust' exterior metal paint . - I certainly wouldn't put a latex primer on anything outside. I would use Kilz original as a primer.

What does one use magnesium oxide for?

Magnesium Oxide (MgO) is used to make Portland cement, and as a fire resistant building material. It also has medical uses and can be used as an antacid to relieve indigestion.

Can you use polyurethane oil base paint on cement walkway?

Yes, you can,and it's very good for that use. However if the concrete is bare, you must apply an epoxy primer before the polyurethane finish.

What primer can you use on copper?

Etch primer

Can you use a latex primer under a stain for cedar?

NO ! - woodstain does not use a primer.

What primer can you use on yellow?

Use Kilz Original, it's the best primer.

What color primer should you use?

Orange. Why are you using a primer? If the walls are already painted, just apply 2 coats of the paint that you want to use. If you use primer, have the paint store tint the primer toward the orange color that you have chosen.

Your bathroom is a light red and you want to paint it tan Can you use pink primer?

No. Never use primer to change wall colors. I once bought a house that was just renovated. Everything was nice; but the walls. The renovators cheaped out and just covered the walls in white primer, it made them all feel like sandpaper.