No. The ear piercing gun and stud are designed to be used on earlobes only. The tongue is a complex group of two major muscles joined by connective tissue and convered by over 10,000 tastebuds and pain receptors. Tongue piercing is intended to go between the muscle groups at least* (*at minimum) to a depth of 3/4 of an inch from the tip of the tongue. The ear piercing gun will not have the reach nor will the studs be long enough to allow for the swelling the will take place after the piercing is done.
Umm i would say so. You have to know where just to pierce on or in the ear or you might hit a nerve. Umm i would say so. You have to know where just to pierce on or in the ear or you might hit a nerve.
You sure can! Yesterday I got two adjacent piercings in my tongue. (Side-by-side, not front-to back.) Apparently I have lots of blood vessels in my tongues, so each piercing was done at a different angle. The entry points on top of my tongue are symmetrical, but because of the pattern of blood vessels on the underside of my tongue, the exit points look crooked and uneven. However no one sees the underside anyway! It's the top that is aesthetically pleasing. An experienced piercer should be able to pierce your veiny tongue! :P
that they pierced their left ear? it means nothing.. almost all my friends have their left ear pierced, it doesn't mean anything.
You can get anything on your ear pierced at any age. However, until you're eighteen, you'll need a parent with you to give consent for a piercer will do it.
I was told by my piercer that aslong as you keep it clean and free of debris it would heal just fine
In the hands of a professional body piercer the piercing will be located in the center line of the tongue. Your piercer will know where to do the piercing, leave it to them.
Go to a professional. Unless you are a trained professional piercer, there is no way to safely pierce your own tongue. You put yourself at risk for irritation and infection, and if you are not careful, Hepatitis. You have a major artery running through your tongue, and if you pierce that, you will have some problems on your hands. Only a professional piercer knows the correct placement of the piercing in order to not hit that artery.
Well that needs to be determined by an experienced professional body piercer, who is looking at the tongue to determine the correct location for the piercing.
You rarely get your tongue numbed before you pierce it. You have to be sure that the piercer didn't hit any nerves or something and you can't do that if you can't feel your tongue.
The telephone, to call an book an appointment with the body piercer. Don't go doing stupid things with your tongue, see a professional body piercer and get the proper assistance you need.
In a professional body piercing studio and the piercing done by a professional body piercer.
As long as everything is sterile, and you relax your tongue and don't move it when they pierce it.By a good, safe, professional piercer? Yes. Otherwise - No. Some people's tongues may not be suitable (based on how their veins go, etc.) or the person him/herself might not be a good candidate (like if the person is a hemophiliac!) and a good piercer would refuse to pierce such a tongue/person.
Take it out. Let it heal up. Go back to your same piercer in about 2 weeks and tell them they did it crooked, and have them pierce it again straight for free.
I've seen it priced at $80. i got my tongue web pireced at $75 , but the piercer gave me half off
well i got mine pierced today and the piercer said the first two days are the worst but it still hurts for a week, this can change depending on how thin or fat your tongue is, good luck bud.
No they do not do body piercing nor are they licensed to.As far as I know, they only do ear piercings. I went there to get my ear pierced and the sign only mentioned ear piercings. Claire's is not licensed to pierce anything let alone ears, however they skirt around health regulations by not mentioning "piercing" to the business licencing authorities.
Guys pierce their right ear if theyre gay.