yes, wallpaper can be painted over. if the paint is going to be a lighter color than the wallpaper or the wallpaper has a printed pattern, it might need an undercoat so the wallpaper pattern doesn't show through. try painting a small area first to see how it will look. I've painted over wallpaper many times with good results.
caution- if the wallpaper has metal inks in the design the paint may not adhere to those areas in the pattern. its always best to remove the paper.
Wallpaper & paint. Wallpaper & paint.
You really shouldn't. most wallpaper adhesive is water soluable and will cause the paint to have adhesion problems.
There is no specific brand of paint designed to cover wallpaper. Paint carries too much moisture to use on top of wallpaper. When paint is applied to wallpaper the wallpaper absorbs some of the moisture and immediately begins to bubble and lift at the seams. Your best bet is to soak the wallpaper with hot water and a sponge and let it soak in completely. Enzyme based wallpaper remover also works well because it eats away the glue backing on the wallpaper. There is a method for painting over wallpaper if for some reason you do not want to remove it. Pick up some shellac primer and apply that to the wallpaper. It dries so quickly the wallpaper doesn't have time enough to bubble. Then you can apply the paint. Word of warning: make sure you have a lot of ventilation when using the shellac. It have very strong fumes. I hope this helps.
Very unlikely, although possible if it's a very matt wallpaper. You could try using a matt undercoat, then gloss on top.
It can't be taken off. -Pull the entire strip, wallpaper included.
You Paint the trim first, then wallpaper.
Wallpaper & paint. Wallpaper & paint.
You really shouldn't. most wallpaper adhesive is water soluable and will cause the paint to have adhesion problems.
You can't paint your walls. You need to buy wallpaper from the YoDepot.
He liked to paint flowers with patters and turn them into wallpaper.
There is no specific brand of paint designed to cover wallpaper. Paint carries too much moisture to use on top of wallpaper. When paint is applied to wallpaper the wallpaper absorbs some of the moisture and immediately begins to bubble and lift at the seams. Your best bet is to soak the wallpaper with hot water and a sponge and let it soak in completely. Enzyme based wallpaper remover also works well because it eats away the glue backing on the wallpaper. There is a method for painting over wallpaper if for some reason you do not want to remove it. Pick up some shellac primer and apply that to the wallpaper. It dries so quickly the wallpaper doesn't have time enough to bubble. Then you can apply the paint. Word of warning: make sure you have a lot of ventilation when using the shellac. It have very strong fumes. I hope this helps.
Very unlikely, although possible if it's a very matt wallpaper. You could try using a matt undercoat, then gloss on top.
Yes, -but I wouldn't recommend painting over ANY wallpaper - it's a sloppy, lazy way to do redecoration, and the paint will not adhere as well.
It can't be taken off. -Pull the entire strip, wallpaper included.
There are a couple advantages of using wallpapers over paint. Someone who doesn't like the wallpaper design can easily get it off and replace it whereas paint someone would have to strip it first and then repaint the area.
If the wallpaper removal doesn't work, you can try splashing some water on it. Then rip the wall paper off. Another option would be to paint over the wallpaper.