Probably not in most places. Most landlords and such frown on having a big mound inside the house.
In Britain, they are the House of Lords and the House of Commons. In Canada, they are the Senate and the House of Commons.
an example of a house is:The house is his world.
Don't paint your house, paint your neighbors house!!!
Allen Crocker Curtis House-Pillar House was created in 1845.
a Victorian House is much bigger
Followers of the Buddhist religion house their scroll within a cabinet referred to as a Gohozon. The stupa is also a location where the relics can be found.
budhist pray at stupa.
amravati stupa
Shanti Stupa was created in 1991.
Conus stupa was created in 1956.
The Stupa project is an organisation supporting world peace. The Stupa is a sort of chapel of piece, consisting of a building and prayer wheels. The Stupa projects collects donations and uses these to paint the Stupa annually and goes towards maintaining the prayer wheels.
A stupa is a mound-like structure which is used to by Buddhist to store relics. A stupa is also used to as a place for meditation by Buddhist.
Emperor Ashoka built the Sanchi stupa.
A STUPA refers to the semi hemispherical structure that contains the Buddhist relics.
A stupa is a mound-like structure containing Buddhist relics,
The word 'stupa' is a noun, a word for a domed edifice housing Buddhist or Jain relics. A noun is used in a sentence as the subject of a sentence or a clause, and as the object of a verb or a preposition.EXAMPLESThe stupa in Colorado is located near Red Feather Lakes. (subject of the sentence)The Shanti Stupa in northern India is the best known stupa. (direct object of the verb 'is')
The Sanchi Stupa, located in India, is made of sandstone. Sandstone was the primary building material used in the construction of the stupa which dates back to the 3rd century BCE.