It is a Quarter Horse Walking Horse mix....or in other words just a grade horse.
A horse is just the name of the animal and Quarter Horse is a name of a breed of horse.
Depends on what you're aiming for really. If the quarter horse is purebred, then you can breed it with another purebred QH to get a purebred foal, or you can crossbreed with another breed.
No they are not the same breed. The Appaloosa and Quarter horse are two seperate breeds.
When you cross a quarter horse and a thoroughbred, you will get an appendix quarter horse. The paint may or may not come out in the foal. That is all in the genetics, and I would need more info to tell you that.
No HorseIsle does not allow you to breed any horses. You can only ride and train them. They do, however, have the Quarter Horse breed in both HI1 and HI2.
Gene Autry's horse was a morgan/quarter horse. Roy Rogers horse is a Quarter Horse/Tennessee Walking Horse.
I think his horse Ringo was a quarter horse crossed with tennessee walker.
There are several, including the Arab, Akhal teke, Thoroughbred, Standardbred, Quarter Horse and the Tennessee Walker.
Tennessee walking or Quarter Horse
Trigger (Roy Roger's horse) was a Tennessee walker
A Tennessee Walker - neat plate!
Standardbreds, Morgans, Thoroughbreds, Canadian and Narrangansett Pacers are the origin breeds of a Tennessee Walker. All others are not
A Tennessee Walker is an evening horse
A Jennet and a thoroughbred made a quarter horse!!
A quarter gelding is a male quarter horse without testicles. The quarter horse is a type of breed of horse.
Walkers are a beautiful and versitile breed. A saddle with Quarter Horse bars may not fit the Walker's back. Before you buy a saddle have an experienced person measure his back and help you make an informed decision. A well fitting saddle is vital to a happy horse.
the Spanish bought the Tennessee walker over to a land that is called Tennessee, the first state to be named after a horse.