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Churches have differing criteria over who is permitted to receive communion. Please check beforehand with the church you intend to visit.

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Q: Can i take the lords supper at a church i am visiting?
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How often do you take the Lords supper?

Every Sunday

What is the Dos and don'ts in church?

Do be repectful to others. And do enjoy the experience! Don't swear, or take the lords name in vain. Its as simple as that!

Why do we take the lord's supper?

It symbolizes Jesus's body and his blood at the last supper.

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Where did he take disciples after the last supper?

Garden of Gethsemene

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Both clergy and vassals had to take oaths of loyalty and obedience, and were bound by law and custom to uphold those oaths.

Does one only take the lord supper only when he believe?

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Did the Garden of Gethsemane take place before the Last Supper?

No. The betrayal and arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane was immediately after the Last Supper.

How many Law Lords sit in the House of Lords?

None. Upon the creation of the Supreme Court in October 2009, the Law Lords were removed from the House of Lords. This has strengthened the separation of powers by removing the judiciary from the legislature.

What is the Pentecostal attitude toward the sacraments?

Baptists take communion and are baptized upon confession of faith. Those are the only two that Baptists use.

What garden did Jesus take his disciples to after the last supper?

The Garden of Gethsemane.

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So sith lords can not take over their bodys.