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No, autism isn't detectable on CT scans.

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Q: Can ct brain scan detect autism?
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Can a ct scan without contrast detect brain tumor?

Yes, brain tumours can show up very clearly on CT scans especially if the patient is injected with an X-ray dye.

What does a ct scan of brain non contrast pick up?

A non contrast brain CT scan can pick up bleeds in or around the brain. It can also detect skull fractures and calcifications within the brain. Certain tumours can also be seen without the use of contrast.

Would an abdominal CT scan detect an ulcer?

No, you cannot see an ulcer on a ct scan.

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Is it possible to take ct scan of a child's brain?

Yes, it is possible to CT scan a child.

Why are CT scans used in sinus studies?

Brain scans can detect tumors, strokes, and hematomas (collections of blood that have escaped from the vessels). The introduction of CT scanning, especially spiral CT, has helped reduce the need for more invasive procedures such as cerebral angiography

What is the difference between a ct head scan and a ct sinus scan?

A head scan looks primarily at the brain and a sinus scan looks only at the sinuses in the face region.

Why shouldn't you eat 4 hours before a brain ct scan?

Because it could pick up the food in your system on the ct scan

What is the HU value of infract ct ct scan of brain?

the value of infarct is between 15 to 25

What is the procedure called when they x-ray your brain?

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How are neuronal migration disorders diagnosed?

Diagnosis is usually made by neuroimaging. CT scan or MRI of the brain will show the characteristic abnormality. MRI has better resolution and may detect polymicrogyria or small heterotopias more easily than CT.