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Well once the healing is complete from the tummy tuck and you have received the OK from the surgeon you want to research your choice of piercing studios carefully. Not every body piercer has the experience to deal with a modified navel. The choice of jewellery and the method used for the piercing procedure needs to be considered to get the right finished look.

You need to know that even though it's a simple process to do a navel piercing, even more care needs to be used in providing the service and following up with aftercare a post piercing progress. Most young piercers don't have the patience to help a client thorough the post piercing care. So fine your self a truly experienced older piercer who has the knowledge and experience to help you.

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Q: Can a navel be pierced after a tummy tuck procedure?
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Can you get your belly button pierced after a tummy tuck?

I know of a woman who did. The body piercer told her that the navel ring would probably fall out later, and it did. With liposuction it would have been different, and the piercing could have been done while she was unconscious on the operating table, but the tummy tuck procedure is more radical.

Does Patricia Heaton have a navel?

Yes. patricia heaton has a navel,it is hard to see and because of her having four c-sections and then having a tummy tuck. when you have a tummy tuck you have the option of keeping a navel or not and if so it will be somewhat covered.

Is an abdominoplasty evasive?

It depends on the procedure, like Mini tummy tuck it is a form of the tummy tuck surgery. It is less complex and a less invasive surgery than the full tummy tuck procedure.

What is the purpose of a tummy tuck diet ?

The tummy tuck procedure is not used to replace the surgical procedure. In fact the tummy tuck is only used to prevent excess skin that comes from loosing a large amount of weight.

I live in Chicago and want a tummy tuck, is this does on an outpatient basis usually?

Yes, tummy tuck is usually an ambulatory procedure.

What is the different cost of a mini tummy tuck and a full tummy tuck?

A standard tummy-tuck requires an overnight stay under Medical supervision and is quite invasive with a recovery time of approximately 2 weeks. Whereas a mini-tummy-tuck is considered an outpatient procedure, which is less invasive. Patients who receive this procedure typically can return to work in one week, so half the down time. Due to these differences, the prices do vary. A mini-tummy-tuck averages $6,625 and a standard tummy-tuck costs approximately is $7,975, which is only a $1,350 difference.

What store can you get tummy tuck at?

you get a tummy tuck at a hospital it is surgery.

What is a mini tummy tuck?

A mini-tummy-tuck is simply a smaller version of a standard tummy-tuck. This typically means there is a smaller amount of sagging skin that needs to be removed from the patient, as opposed to larger areas that likely include more fat-deposits too. The benefit, if one applies to a mini-tuck, is that the downtime after the procedure tend to be less painful and in length.

What is better liposuction or tummy tuck?

Liposuction or tummy tuck, depends on your physique. If you have a hanging skin then tummy tuck is required to be done else liposuction should be done. A patient whose abdominal area has loose excess skin, or significant stretch marks will need a tummy tuck and will not benefit from liposuction alone. This is because liposuction is a procedure that only removes fat.Liposuction is intended to treat localized fatty deposits that are out of proportion with your body as a whole.

Fluid build up after tummy tuck what is cause?

how can i get rid of the fluid from my tummy tuck

If I have a tummy tuck, will I be required to eat a special diet?

I was able to find a good website,, where several doctors have responded to your question. As a nurse, in my experience immediately fallowing a tummy tuck as with any surgical procedure it's best to start with liquids the first day and progress to a bland diet the next day. This helps reduce nausea and vomiting after your procedure.

What is a partial tummy tuck?

Partial tummy tuck, more commonly known as a mini tummy tuck, is ideal for those individuals within 10% of standard body weight. This technique focuses on the part of the tummy found immediately beneath the belly button and is performed through a small incision. While recovery time is shortened with this procedure, effects are not quite as dramatic as with other methods. (Source: PlacidWay)