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Depending on what part of the ecu is bad, yes.

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Q: Can a car start with a bad ecu?
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Related questions

What are the symptoms of a bad ECU in a 1992 Toyota Celica GT?

It is important to know the symptoms of a bad car part. The symptoms of a bad ECU are the check engine light stays on, the car won't start, transmission problems, and bad emissions results.

Can you start a car with the ecu removed?


How do you know when your ecu is bad?

A car will not operate without the a working ECU. If the computer is bad car will not turn on. A driver will not be able to use any of the engines accessories.

Can you drive a mitsubishi galant without the front ecu?

No, the car will not start.

Symptoms of bad ecu?

Some signs that your engine control unit is not working properly are car failure, bad gas mileage, and your car running poorly. If your check engine light is on, that might also indicate an ECU problem.

Can brain box make engine not to start?

Yes, a defective ECU can cause a no start condition. They rarely go bad.

Will a bad cell cause the car not to start?

Yes, one bad cell in a car battery will cause the car not to start.

Is it possible to use another ecu from same category car instead of a damaged one?

No. The computers look for certain things. If they aren't there, or are in the wrong spot, the computer wont start the car. Its possible to use the ECU from the same car though

What causes a 1986 Toyota MR2 engine to cut out?

get your ecu checked out my 91 was doing the same thing, the ecu was bad, and the ground to the ecu was bad, which caused the "fry" to the ecu.

Where is the ecu in a BMW 745li?

if i sccidently shorted the battery car wont start but cranks whats wrong ??

Will a second hand saxo vtr ecu fit straight on car?

hi if you have two ecus they will be different as for some reason citroen wire the immobiliser to the ecu so when you turn the ignition on or enter a code it sends the signal (the code) to the ecu if its happy with the code you can start the car as every car has different codes it will need to be sent off to be unlocked

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