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No. Poly and paint are incompatible. Instead use liquid floor wax. It's easier to work with and will give you a longer lasting surface that doesn't stick to paPer when wet. You can continue to re coat for maintenance. Great for tabletops shelves or painted floors.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

No, it won't get a good grip on polyurethane.

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Q: Can I use Water based polyurethane over flat wall paint?
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Can you mix water base primer with flat paint?

Only if the 'flat paint' is water based too.

What is flat latex paint?

It is water based paint that has no sheen to it and does not clean well. Usually used on ceilings.

Is latex paint the same as enamel?

"flat" paint is flat flat -- no sheen at all. My understanding is that "flat enamel" has a very slight sheen -- like about 6%, which supposedly makes it a little easier to clean than the flat flat paint. But, it's pretty hard to distinguish one from the other.

Can I mix a latex flat apint with an acrylic semi gloss paint?

Of the two paints you are going to try mixing, a water based paint (latex), with a spirit based (possibly methalated) . Not a good idea as they will separate. DO NOT MIX! On the containers for these paints you will be told how to wash your brushes ie.. Water for Latex. Turpintine, or Varsol for the Oil based paints and stains. Again, Oil and Water do NOT MIX!!!

Can you paint flat paint over an acrylic paint?

Do you realize that you can get FLAT ACRYLIC PAINT. Flat paint refers to the gloss level. You may want Gloss, Satin, Lowsheen or Flat. Acrylic paint on the other hand refers to what the paint is based on or what binder is being used. Acrylic paint is also refered to as waterbased paint. You most likely are referring to putting flat acrylic over lowsheen or gloss acrylic. In answer to your question - as long as they are both acrylic than you will not have any problems. I am in this answer assuming that you are referring you house paints. If not than the same principle applies - acrylic over acrylic is fine. To keep acrylic from going glossy just don't polish it.

Related questions

Can you mix water base primer with flat paint?

Only if the 'flat paint' is water based too.

What is flat latex paint?

It is water based paint that has no sheen to it and does not clean well. Usually used on ceilings.

Is latex paint the same as enamel?

"flat" paint is flat flat -- no sheen at all. My understanding is that "flat enamel" has a very slight sheen -- like about 6%, which supposedly makes it a little easier to clean than the flat flat paint. But, it's pretty hard to distinguish one from the other.

Can you paint a high gloss over a flat water base paint?


Can I mix a latex flat apint with an acrylic semi gloss paint?

Of the two paints you are going to try mixing, a water based paint (latex), with a spirit based (possibly methalated) . Not a good idea as they will separate. DO NOT MIX! On the containers for these paints you will be told how to wash your brushes ie.. Water for Latex. Turpintine, or Varsol for the Oil based paints and stains. Again, Oil and Water do NOT MIX!!!

Can you paint flat paint over an acrylic paint?

Do you realize that you can get FLAT ACRYLIC PAINT. Flat paint refers to the gloss level. You may want Gloss, Satin, Lowsheen or Flat. Acrylic paint on the other hand refers to what the paint is based on or what binder is being used. Acrylic paint is also refered to as waterbased paint. You most likely are referring to putting flat acrylic over lowsheen or gloss acrylic. In answer to your question - as long as they are both acrylic than you will not have any problems. I am in this answer assuming that you are referring you house paints. If not than the same principle applies - acrylic over acrylic is fine. To keep acrylic from going glossy just don't polish it.

Can you use 2 year-old flat latex paint as a primer for new eggshell latex paint?

The flat latex paint will stick to satin or semi-gloss latex paint without any problems. The main consern is making sure the surface is clean and sound before begining to paint, plus use top quality paints for the best results.

Do you use flat or semi gloss paint for the ceilings?

You will have no problem painting satin over top of flat paint. Just remember to use the appropriate paint that will stick to the old coating. If the old coating is latex (water based) you can go over it with latex or alkyd (oil based) paint. If the old coating is oil based you can only go over it with oil based paint or a hi performance latex that is specialy made to go over oil. Most latex will not stick to oil based paint.

Why would dry latex paint wipe off walls with water?

Dry latex paint can sometimes be reactivated with water because latex paint is water-based. When water is applied, it softens the paint's surface, making it easier to wipe off. This is especially common with matte or flat finishes that have not been properly cured.

Can you paint over oil based gloss paint with a flat oil based paint?

Yes, but you should scuff the gloss coat with sandpaper first, and you might need two coats to kill all the shine.

Can you paint semi gloss over flat latyex paint?

Yes. You can paint semi-gloss latex paint over flat latex paint. It is not advised to paint over any latex with any oil-based paint. Nor is it advised to try and paint over semi-gloss paint with any other finish without first de-glossing the finish and priming.

Can you put water based paint over oil based paint?

ANSWER: yes. Just sand the surface with a 100 grit or 150 grit sandpaper to insure a good bond.Do NOT DRY SAND if the paint is older than 1978 as it likely has lead in it which is toxic. Spray with water, then wet sand to not create lead dust.