H. pylori has been linked to irregular heartbeat, which can result in pooling of blood in the heart chambers. This increases the risk of clots that may cause strokes. Heart failure can occur if irregular heartbeats continue.
Few isolated studies done recently suggest that H pylori is associated with increased incidence of stroke. Another study suggests that eradication of H pylori was associated with favorable lipid profile. But eradication of H pylori has very distinct advantages when it comes to peptic ulcer and as such demands eradication of H pylori.
Pulmonary hypertension(P-h) is a syndrome that involves heart and lung. Diseases like COPD (chronic pulmonary disease) May also cause pulmonary hypertension. Not all the cardio-artery disease is related to P-h. Heart has valves. Dysfunction of these valves will cause tension to the blood flow, leading to p-h.
Type your answer here... rheumatic heart disease is cause by a rheumatic fever that inflamed the heart and scarring it.
Heart, Hot, Heat, hamlet, hornet, haircut, hobbit
hairHamstringHeadHandHeartHipHammer (Inner Ear)Hard palateHeelHumerusHymenHairHangnail* heart * hand * head * hyoid bone* Head * Hand(s) * Heart * Hip * Hair * Heel *Hamstring(S)headhiphyoid bone
Hair, hand, hamstring, head, heart, heel of foot, hip, hip bone, humerus bone (arm) and hyoid bone (throat) are male body parts. They begin with H.
Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that lives in the mucous tissues that line the digestive tract. Infection with H. pylori is the most common cause of duodenal ulcers.
i have h pylori and my jaw is killing me.. its feels like my teeth hurt to... dont no if its from h pylori, or grinding my teeth... just started my meds
H. pylori is the bacteria associated with peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer.
H. pylori infection can cause symptoms such as stomach growling, also known as borborygmi, due to the disruption of the stomach's normal function and the inflammation it causes. Other gastrointestinal symptoms like stomach pain, bloating, and nausea may also be present. Consulting a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment is recommended.
Yes, H. Pylori can cause dizziness. It absorbs Vitamin C, which then prevents the body from absorbing Iron, which then causes anemia. Anemia can cause dizziness.
An infection called h. Pylori
In the 1990s, scientists discovered that the main cause of true gastritis is infection from a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).
Under current theory, the main cause of true gastritis is H. pylori infection, which is found in an average of 90% of patients with chronic gastritis.
H. Pylori are implicated in acid peptic disease (acidity).
The H pylori bacteria doesn't cause diarrhea, but it gives black, tarry stools. Other symptoms include weight loss, loss of appetite, bloating, nausea, burping, and vomiting.
yes, kids can get H. pylori. In fact, researchers think most people get infected with the H. pylori bacteria when they are kids.
Symptoms of H. pylori infection can include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. In some cases, it can lead to peptic ulcers and increase the risk of developing stomach cancer. Treatment typically involves a combination of antibiotics and acid-reducing medications.