Queens ( to attract womens) Quaze Qroma if u need words try dictionary's except English !!! they can help u still Quake, than Q can be options
That start with U: Underwear Uniform Under-shirt Undergarments
Utilities is a word. It starts with U.
If you are referring to words beginning with the letter q, there are quite a few. Here's a small list. * quit * quiet * quite * quill * quail * quack * quadratic * quadroon * quahog * quadrillion * qatar * qing * quaff * quadruplet * quadriplegic * quadruplequaker * quarrel * qualified * qualify * quantum * quark * quantity * quarter * quartz * quart * quay * quasar * quest * question * queen * queer * quick * quickly * quiff * quip * quilt
ANSWERVirtually, there are no real words that start with a Q with no U. It is a rule in vocabulary.ANSWERThere are very few: qat, qi, qoph.The place name qatar begins with q and has no u.
There are 5 words in scrabble that start with Q but dont need a U. QAIDs, QANAT, QATs, QOPHs, QIs, They are 2 other words that include the letter Q but don't need to be followed by a U. FAQIR, TRANQ, There are 2 with the U still in the word but not after the Q. SUQs, UMIAQ Finally, there are 19 words that don't start with Q but however still are followed by the U. AQUAs, AQUAE, EQUAL, EQUID, EQUIP, FIQUE, MAQUI, PIQUE, ROQUE, SQUAB, SQUAD, SQUAT, SQUAW, SQUEG, SQUIB, SQUID, TOQUE, TUQUE, USQUE
Quinn, Uriah, Whitney, Willow.
There are forty words that start with the letter Q and are not followed by a U. These words do not come from the English language. A couple examples are qat and qere.
Qatar (it's a country) That's all I can think of.
qanat, qawwali
The letter Q makes a (kw) sound when paired with U. Practically all Q words are QU words and have the (kw) sound. There is no silent U. Some words from other languages use Q without a U and may have either the (kw) sound or just a (k) sound. E.g. qoph (Hebrew letter) has the sound (kof)
No. The first one that comes to mind is QI, as an example.
· Luxor, Egypt · Qina, Egypt
A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
I think you meant Q and no U. You can play QI which requires no U
yaks (big snow cow-like animals)