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Q: Are there any paintings by Clint Bradley of JFK?
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Did Clint Bradley do any sketches of John F. Kennedy?


I was told that Omar Bradley first said Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country Can any one confirm?

JFK said it in his inaugural address Jan 20th 1961. In an issue of the Military Review in May of '48, Gen Bradley made the following quote, 'The Nation today needs to think in terms of service to their country and not in terms of their country's debt to them.'

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Did JFK have any family?

Yes he did

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No. Bradley Cooper does not have any children.

Where there any Venus fly traps in the renaissance period Were they in any paintings?

no there were no venus fly traps. but there where paintings.

Does Bradley Cooper have a brother who is an actor?

Yes, Bradley Cooper has 1 kids

Which of these paintings depicts ancient Greek philosophers?

You have not nominated any paintings to choose from.

Did Omar bradley have kinds?

Omar Bradley did have any "kinds" and no kids either although he was married twice

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Are there any books published by Benjamin Bradley?

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Where can a Vera Bradley eyeglass case be purchased?

Vera Bradley eyeglass cases are available directly from the Vera Bradley company website or from any of the various Vera Bradley store locations. These can be found using the "Find a Store" function on the Vera Bradley website.