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Yes, hares and warthogs are, indeed mammals. For your information, mammals are defined as warmblooded vertebrates that have hair on their bodies and give birth to live young.

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Q: Are hares and warthogs mammals
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Does a cheetah eat anything?

Cheetahs eat primarily hoofed mammals weighing less than 90 pounds, including Gazelles and young wildebeest. They will also eat smaller game such as hares, warthogs, and birds.Mostly meat from its weaker opponents. Zebras, gazelle, deer, warthogs, and more weaker targets

Do warthogs lay eggs?

No. Warthogs are mammals and give birth to live young. The only mammals which lay eggs are platypuses and echidnas.

Do hares lay eggs?

Hares are mammals. All mammals give birth to live young.

What does cheetah eat exactly?

Cheetahs eat primarily hoofed mammals weighing less than 90 pounds, including gazelles and young wildebeest. They will also eat smaller game such as hares, warthogs, and birds.

Do hares have backbones?

Yes, they do.

Is the cheetah an herbivore or carnivore?

A carnivore. It eats antelope, birds, warthogs, and hares. The cheetah east about 6lbs of meat per day. A good meal is gazelle, warthogs, gnu, an impala or a wildebeest calf.

Is an Arctic hare a vertebrate or invertebrate?

Arctic hares are mammals and, like all mammals, they are vertebrates because they have a spine and spinal cord, and an internal skeleton. They belong to the Phylum Chordata. Mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians are all vertebrates.

Is a warthog a vertebrate?

Yes. Warthogs are vertebrates. They are mammals, and all mammals are vertebrates because they have a backbone and an internal skeleton.

What are cousins to rabbits and hares?

Cousins to rabbits and hares are animals in the same family (Leporidae), such as pikas. Pikas are small mammals that resemble rabbits but are more closely related to hares.

Where does a bobcat get its food?

Bobcats generally feed on small mammals, particularly rabbits and hares.

What mammals live in the taiga biome?

Wolves, bears, caribou, fox, hares and mice.

Do arctic hares have internal or external fertilization?

I am not a biologist, but I believe that all mammals have internal fertilization.