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No they are not they are simply mythical canstructions that do not come under the gothic dictionarey.

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Q: Are gargoyles Gothic Architecture
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Related questions

Why did Gothic architecture stop using gargoyles?

The gargoyles were there to lead water from the roof. The architects then found other solutions.

What kind of people would get gargoyles?

People who like Gothic architecture and have a reverence for the past. I would get gargoyles because they are interesting and historical. Other people might get them because they are scary.

Which building has the most gargoyles?

Gargoyles can be found at Churches and Cathederals. They are a feature of Gothic architecture. People also have them in their gardens as decoration and near plants to keep away bad spirits and diseases.

What has the author Robert Branner written?

Robert Branner has written: 'Burgundian Gothic architecture' -- subject(s): Architecture, Architecture, Gothic, Gothic Architecture 'Manuscript painting in Paris during the reign of Saint Louis' -- subject(s): Artists' studios, French Illumination of books and manuscripts, Gothic Illumination of books and manuscripts, Illumination of books and manuscripts, French, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Gothic 'Gothic Architecture (Great Ages of the World Architecture)' 'Gothic architecture' -- subject(s): Gothic Architecture 'St. Louis and the Court Style in Gothic Architecture (Studies in Architecture, Vol 7)'

When were gargoyles used?

mid 12 hundreds they are Gothic art

What inspired gothic architecture?

Churches were one of the inspirations for Gothic architecture. Islamic architecture was another influence on Gothic architecture. You will also find some small Renaissance influences.

Medieval style of architecture similar to buildings in ancient rome?

romanesque.Medieval architecture is actually referred to as Gothic Architecture.

What has the author Paul Frankl written?

Paul Frankl has written: 'Die Glasmalereien der Wilhelmerkirche in Strassburg' 'Peter Hemmel, Glasmaler von Andlau' 'Gothic architecture' -- subject(s): Architecture, Gothic, Church architecture, Gothic Architecture, History 'Arquitectura Gotica / Gothic Architecture (Manuales Arte Catedra / Cathedral Art Manuals)' 'Das system der kunstwissenschaft' -- subject(s): Philosophy, Art 'Die Renaissancearchitektur in Italien' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Architecture, Architecture, Renaissance, Renaissance Architecture 'Principles of architectural history' -- subject(s): Architecture, History 'Die Entwicklungsphasen der neueren Baukunst' -- subject(s): Architecture, History 'The Gothic literary sources and interpretations through eight centuries' -- subject(s): Architecture, Gothic, Art, Gothic, Gothic Architecture, Gothic Art

What has the author Mathilde Brosseau written?

Mathilde Brosseau has written: 'Gothic revival in Canadian architecture' -- subject(s): Architecture, Gothic revival (Architecture) 'Gothic revival in Canadian architechure'

Where in particular gothic architecture started?

Gothic architecture originated in Northern France, starting in the Paris area.

What has the author Peter H Brieger written?

Peter H. Brieger has written: 'English art, 1216-1307' -- subject(s): History, Art, Architecture, Illumination of books and manuscripts, Art, Medieval, Art, Gothic, Church architecture, Architecture, Medieval, Architecture, Gothic, Gothic Art, Medieval Art, Medieval Architecture, Gothic Architecture

What has the author Geoffrey Fairbank Webb written?

Geoffrey Fairbank Webb has written: 'Gothic architecture in England' -- subject(s): Architecture, Architecture, Gothic, Gothic Architecture, History 'Ely Cathedral' -- subject(s): Ely Cathedral