ever find any info? I also have a painting signed E. Ludwig fall forest scene, if you want to compare images you can email me at giovannyz at comcast dot net, thanks
Richard Long, born on 2 Jun 1945, is still alive.
Nobody, obviously! Perhaps you're thinking of Picasso's painting of Guernica, which was bombed in 1937.
I believe the size of 'Enamel Saucepan' is 560mm by 430mm
1776 1492 1929 1941 1945
Democratic Republican Union was created on 1945-12-18.
Ludwig Schwamb died in 1945.
Ludwig Gehre died in 1945.
Ludwig Schübeler died in 1945.
Ludwig Kasper died in 1945.
Ludwig Diels died in 1945.
Ludwig Landmann died in 1945.
Ludwig Stumpfegger died in 1945.
Ludwig Müller - theologian - died in 1945.
Ludwig von Hofmann died in 1945.
Hellmut Ludwig Späth died in 1945.
Ludwig Steeg died on 1945-09-06.
Ludwig Kirschner died on 1945-02-11.