ascot, ascus, asdic, ashed, ashen, ashes, aside, asked, asker, askew, askoi, askos, aspen, asper, aspic, aspis, assai, assay, asses, asset, aster, astir, asyla, escar, escot, eskar, esker, esnes, essay, esses, ester, estop, isbas, isled, isles, islet, issei, issue, istle, osier, osmic, osmol, ossia, ostia, psalm, pseud, pshaw, psoae, psoai, psoas, psych, tsade, tsadi, tsars, tsked, tsuba, usage, users, usher, using, usnea, usque, usual, usurp, usury
saber, safer, salad, sally, salon, salty, salve, salvo, sandy, sapid, satin, sauce, saucy, saute, saved, savvy, scale, scamp, scant, scare, scarf, scarp, scout, scowl, scoff, scone, scoop, scope, score, scrap, scree, screw, scrod, scuff, sedge, sedgy, seedy, segue, senna, sepal, serif, serin, serve, setae, seven, sewed, sewer, shack, shade, shaft, shale, shall, shalt, shank, shard, shake, shape, share, sharp, shave, shawl, sheaf, shear, sheen, shelf, shell, shift, shill, shine, shire, shirt, shoal, shoat, shock, shoer, shone, shore, shorn, shove, shunt, sicko, siege, silky, silly, silty, since, singe, sinus, siren, skate, skiff, skimp, skink, skirl, skirt, skunk, slack, slain, slant, slate, slave, slice, slick, sloop, slope, slump, slush, smack, small, smear, soapy, sober, sonic, sound, soupy, south, spade, spake, spare, spark, speak, spear, spell, spiel, spill, spilt, spine, spire, splay, spoil, spoke, spore, sport, spray, spree, spume, spunk, spurt, squid, stack, staff, stake, stall, stamp, stand, stank, stare, stark, stash, stead, steak, steal, steam, steel, steep, steer, stick, stiff, still, stilt, sting, stink, stint, stipe, stoat, stoke, stoma, stool, stoop, store, stork, storm, stove, strap, straw, strew, strip, strut, stuck, study, stuff, stump, stunk, stunt, style, sugar, sulky, sully, surly, swain, swale, sward, swear, sweat, sweet, swell, swill, swine, swish, swoop, swore,
The answer is Swimming.
· suspect
* symbolic * sporadic * sadistic * sardonic * specific
Seta is a 4-letter word for hair or bristle starting with S.
Scissors is an 8 letter word. It begins and ends with S.
Haha. Teens these days. That question s very inapropriate.
Sincere is an adjective. It begins with the letter s.
Scissors is an 8 letter word. It begins and ends with S.
"Starting" "Stirring" "Stomping"
Scissors is an 8 letter word. It begins and ends with S.
Ladybugs, landings, lanterns, latrines, lawsuits, leafless, leggings, leopards, libelous, lifeless, likeness, listless and lobsters are 8 letter words. They begin with the letter l and end with the letter s.