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Pottery was important in the Stone Age because it allowed for the storage and cooking of food, improved sanitation by providing vessels to store water, and enabled the creation of more complex tools and decorations. Pottery also played a role in trade and cultural exchange among prehistoric societies.

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Q: Why was pottery an important discovery in the Stone Age?
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What is old pottery called from the stone age?

Old pottery from the Stone Age is typically referred to as "ancient pottery" or "prehistoric pottery." These artifacts provide valuable insights into early human societies and their cultural practices.

True or false the discovery of metals and the development of metalworking mark the beginning of the new stone age?

False. The discovery of metals and the development of metalworking mark the beginning of the Bronze Age, which came after the Stone Age. The Stone Age primarily involved the use of stone tools and weapons.

What were the two parts of the Stone Age?

The Stone Age is typically divided into two parts: the Paleolithic Age, or Old Stone Age, and the Neolithic Age, or New Stone Age. The Paleolithic Age is characterized by the use of simple stone tools, while the Neolithic Age saw developments such as agriculture, pottery, and more advanced tools.

In the stone age what was the wheel used for?

Pottery wheels were used in the stone age. Wheels were used on small objects, such as toys. There is evidence of carts from the stone age, but they seem not to have been in widespread use, possibly because there were no good materials for axle bearings until bronze became available.

What is the old stone age and the new stone age?

The Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic Age, refers to a period in prehistory characterized by the use of simple stone tools. The New Stone Age, or Neolithic Age, followed the Old Stone Age and is marked by the development of agriculture, pottery, and more complex tools and technologies.

Related questions

What is old pottery called from the stone age?

Old pottery from the Stone Age is typically referred to as "ancient pottery" or "prehistoric pottery." These artifacts provide valuable insights into early human societies and their cultural practices.

Did the men or women make pottery during cro magnons time?

No. Cro-Magnon were stone age people. Pottery is not a product of the stone age.

What are some stone age inventions?

Some stone age inventions include tools such as stone axes, knives, and scrapers for hunting and gathering, as well as the creation of fire for cooking and warmth. Additionally, the development of basic pottery for storing and cooking food was also an important innovation during the stone age.

What discovery signified the Neolithic age?

The Neolithic Age began about 9500 B.C. in the Middle East. It was characterized by making stone tools, farming and the domestication of animals, homes became permanent, and crafts such as pottery and weaving began.

True or false the discovery of metals and the development of metalworking mark the beginning of the new stone age?

False. The discovery of metals and the development of metalworking mark the beginning of the Bronze Age, which came after the Stone Age. The Stone Age primarily involved the use of stone tools and weapons.

What are the characteristics of the new stone age?

domesticated animals pottery weaving tools clothes

What were the two parts of the Stone Age?

The Stone Age is typically divided into two parts: the Paleolithic Age, or Old Stone Age, and the Neolithic Age, or New Stone Age. The Paleolithic Age is characterized by the use of simple stone tools, while the Neolithic Age saw developments such as agriculture, pottery, and more advanced tools.

What discovery started the new stone age?

Metal tools

In the stone age what was the wheel used for?

Pottery wheels were used in the stone age. Wheels were used on small objects, such as toys. There is evidence of carts from the stone age, but they seem not to have been in widespread use, possibly because there were no good materials for axle bearings until bronze became available.

What is the old stone age and the new stone age?

The Old Stone Age, also known as the Paleolithic Age, refers to a period in prehistory characterized by the use of simple stone tools. The New Stone Age, or Neolithic Age, followed the Old Stone Age and is marked by the development of agriculture, pottery, and more complex tools and technologies.

What is the significance of paleolithic?

It was the first stone age, in which they learned to make and use stone tools. The people in this stone age were called the "Hunter Gatherers," because they were always hunting and gathering. Because of this, they were nomadic. One of the most important things that happened in the Paleolithic age was the discovery of taming fire. This made it possible to live through the Ice Age.

What was the most important resource in the stone age?
