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because hands break too quickly

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Coal miners use a pick axe to break up the coal seams and remove the coal from the earth. The pick axe allows them to chip away at the coal and break it into manageable pieces for extraction.

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Q: Why do coal miners use a pick axe?
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What was pick axe used for in mining?

A pickaxe was used in mining to break up and loosen hard rock or ore so that it could be easily removed. Miners would use the pickaxe to chip away at the rock face, making it easier to extract valuable minerals like gold, silver, or coal. The pickaxe was a fundamental tool for miners in both underground and surface mining operations.

How did miners collect gold nuggets from rivers?

Miners would use pans or sluice boxes to sift through sand and gravel in riverbeds. They would then use these tools to extract and collect gold nuggets and particles that had become separated from the surrounding material during the process.

When was coal discovered?

Coal has been used by humans for thousands of years, with evidence of its use dating back to ancient civilizations. The exact date of when coal was first discovered is not known, but the earliest recorded use of coal as a fuel source was in China around 4,000 years ago.

What did miners wear?

Miners historically wore protective gear such as helmets with lamps, overalls, boots, and safety belts. These outfits were designed to ensure their safety in the hazardous underground mining environment. Today, miners also use modern equipment such as respirators and high-visibility clothing for added protection.

What tools did the 1850 miners use?

Miners in 1850 typically used basic hand tools such as picks, shovels, chisels, hammers, and pans for gold panning. As mines became deeper and more industrialized, tools like drills, dynamite, and ore crushers were also utilized. Additionally, some miners used simple machinery like rocker boxes and sluice boxes for processing ore.

Related questions

What do a coal miners dentist and a guitar player have in common?

They all use a Pick.

What type of equipment do miners use?

hand axe, shovel, small pick, wheelbarrow and large axe look on google for some more this is just a few of them.

Do coal miners mine for coal?

Yes, coal miners work in coal mines to extract coal from the ground. They use heavy equipment to dig tunnels and remove coal from deposits in the earth.

What supplies did the miners use in 1862 goldrush?

Axe heads,shovels

What was pick axe used for in mining?

A pickaxe was used in mining to break up and loosen hard rock or ore so that it could be easily removed. Miners would use the pickaxe to chip away at the rock face, making it easier to extract valuable minerals like gold, silver, or coal. The pickaxe was a fundamental tool for miners in both underground and surface mining operations.

Did Abel Tasman use a pick axe?

It is possible that he did.

Name the machine that miners use to dig out coal?


How do you use an axe?

It is simple. You pick it up and throw it down.

Which pick axe do you use to get redstone in Minecraft?

An iron pickaxe

What pick axe do you use to mine gold in Minecraft?

iron pickaxe

How did the early coal miners use convection to get new air?

Type your answer here... pigs

What do the coal miners do after they mine the coal?

After coal miners extract coal from the ground, they typically transport it to processing facilities for cleaning, sorting, and packaging. The processed coal is then shipped to power plants, industrial facilities, or other consumers for use in generating electricity, heat, or manufacturing processes. Some coal miners may also be involved in reclamation efforts to restore mined areas to their natural state after extraction.