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It depends entirely on the prehistoric sculptures in question.

There are some sculptures that are formed in such a simplistic way and are not representative of anything in nature. There is no distinguishing these sculptures from naturally-formed rocks and, therefore, a number of archaeologists believe that they are not forms of artistry. Conversely, other archaeologists look to the placement of these sculptures and argue that they are man-made, just not by sophisticated artists.

Most prehistoric sculptures, however, do not fit into this category as they have clear anthropomorphic shapes and/or the types of carving that rarely happen in nature. As a result, these are unambiguously human artistry.

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βˆ™ 4mo ago

Archaeologists may believe that prehistoric sculptures are a result of natural erosion and not human artistry if the features do not align with typical human art styles or if there is evidence of natural weathering on the sculptures. Additionally, the context in which the sculptures are found, such as geological formations or patterns around the sculptures, can provide clues to suggest they are natural formations rather than intentional human creations.

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Q: Why do archaeologists believe that the prehistoric sculpture is a result of natural erosion and not human artistry?
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they belive thay they were used for partys

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Archaeologists believe that Nok sculptures were used for spiritual or ritual purposes and served as representations of power and authority. They are thought to have played a role in conveying social status and may have been used in burial practices or ceremonies.

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