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Scientists are interested in examining remains from the past, such as Otzi and Tutankhamun, because they provide valuable insights into ancient human history, lifestyle, health, and technology. Studying these remains can help researchers understand ancient civilizations, their diets, traditions, diseases, and even causes of death. This information aids in piecing together our collective history and evolution.

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Q: Why are scientists interested in examing remains from the past such as Otzi and Thutankarmen?
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What following is not a method used by scientists to determine the age of ancient remains?

Psychic readings.

What are scientists who study the remains of past human life?

Scientists who study past human life are known as archaeologists or anthropologists. They analyze artifacts, fossils, and other remains to understand human behavior, culture, and evolution. Their work helps piece together the story of our ancient ancestors and how they lived.

What kinds of evidence do scientists use to study early migration?

Scientists use a variety of evidence to study early migration, including genetic analysis of modern and ancient populations, archaeological artifacts, isotopic analyses of human remains to trace diet and geographic origin, and studies of ancient pollen and plant remains to reconstruct past environments. By combining these different lines of evidence, scientists can piece together the story of how humans migrated and settled around the world.

What are scientists that study the unwritten past?

Scientists who study the unwritten past are called archaeologists. They analyze artifacts and remains from ancient civilizations to understand their cultures, societies, and behaviors. By studying these physical objects, they can piece together a picture of the past.

What do we call scientists who examine objects to learn about people and cultures in the past?

Archaeologists are scientists who study objects to learn about past people and cultures. They analyze artifacts, structures, and other physical remains to understand how people lived in the past.

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What following is not a method used by scientists to determine the age of ancient remains?

Psychic readings.

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They are called fossils you idiot.

Scientist who study the remains of ancient peoples?

Anthropologists, archaeologists, and bioarchaeologists are scientists who study the remains of ancient peoples to learn about their societies, culture, behavior, and biology. They use a combination of fieldwork, laboratory analysis, and historical research to piece together information about past human populations.

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Like anyone else. Flirt. Listen to her. Be interested in what she's saying. Ask if she has a girlfriend. If she doesn't and remains interested, ask her on a date.

What did scientists do with the remains of the Titanic?

The general consenus among salvagers and explorers is to salvage the artifacts, leave the wreck.

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markae gay

How were lake mungo man's remains removed?

They were removed by a group of scientists including the discoverer with shovels and pickaxes